Slow Bubble Rate?


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi, no matter how far open i turn my needle valve i still only get a max of 2bps, this has been going on for a while so today i took the whole thing apart and tested every section seperately, it was all going swimmingly until i got to the final part, the diffuser, as soon as the pipes had filled with co2 and had reached the ceramic diffuser the bubbles reduced to a max of 2bps, to make sure this was the problem i cut the tube off the diffuser whilst it was still under water, as soon as i cut it the bubbles came streaming out way faster.

I initially thought it was just a blocked diffuser although i have 2 of the same and rotate them weekly and give each a good bleach clean, but to be sure it wasn't this i bleach bathed the diffusers all day, i just hooked them both back up and its still the same, still 2bps - what the hell is going on???

They are just cheap ceramic diffusers off ebay but theres no reason why they shouldn't work.

Any help would be great.
are they the glass ones iv got one that works and one that dose not.
are they the glass ones iv got one that works and one that dose not.

they are glass but i dont see how that would make a difference. Your one that doesn't work, how do you mean exactly? Does it diffuse no gas what so ever or just a little?
The one that works I get bubbles from the whole surface area and the one that does not I only get bubble from two places.

If you get what am saying?
The one that works I get bubbles from the whole surface area and the one that does not I only get bubble from two places.

If you get what am saying?

yup, so when your using the nackered one i take it your bubble counter won't show a increased rate dispite how open you have your needle valve?

Any other opinions on this would be fantastic
sounds like a leak.
Also try cleaning the diffuser.

theres no leak, i tested the whole system bit by bit, the bubbles where going into the water at full rate until i put the diffuser on. Its a big coincidence if both diffusers are blocked and are unable to be unblocked despite how well i clean them.
what is the output pressure & cylinder pressure on your reg?

slightly lower than normal because the bottle is nearly empty, but i soaked one of the diffusers in 50% bleach and 50% water overnight, i put it in the tank a couple of hours ago and its running fine, strange as every week when i change the diffusers i soak in neat bleach for 10 mins, rinse then another ten mins, i thought this was plenty but obviously not. At least its working properly now - good stuff.

Its been running slow for about a month so its a massive relief to resolve the problem as the HC has died back and thinned out, theres also black hair algae, do you think with the increased rate that its running now that those two problems should rectify themselves? As i presume the BHA appeared do to slow growth.
glad you got it sorted :)

Clean the algae off manually, then do a big water change to remove the spores. It should hit it hard and slow the growth right down.
glad you got it sorted :)

Clean the algae off manually, then do a big water change to remove the spores. It should hit it hard and slow the growth right down.

god ### it they'v stopped working properly again! what a nightmare, i've ordered a better diffuser off aquaessential and some new tubing, hopefully this will work.
glad you got it sorted :)

Clean the algae off manually, then do a big water change to remove the spores. It should hit it hard and slow the growth right down.

god ### it they'v stopped working properly again! what a nightmare, i've ordered a better diffuser off aquaessential and some new tubing, hopefully this will work.

thats why I go with the cheap diy method....but then again i'm a newbie....and only a ten gallon....and poor lol :lol:

Whats the ground cover plant you've got? :blink: ? I've got black substrate...and I'm tired of looking at it. Rotellas don't exactly cover the ground....
Whats the ground cover plant you've got? :blink: ? I've got black substrate...and I'm tired of looking at it. Rotellas don't exactly cover the ground....

Hemianthus 'cuba'

ordered a new spiro 3000, hopefully that should do the trick.

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