How Does This Sound?


Fish Herder
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
I have a 35L tank that when I can sell off my baby kribs I want to change to a heavily planted "jungle feel." I would like to have some Crystal Red Shrimp, maybe to breed, and some small tetras or something, maybe like rummynose or neons or something. I'd also looked at some marble hatchetfish which I liked the look of.
I have a fluval 1+ mature filter.
How many small tetra type fish could I have along with some crystal red shrimp?
It will be heavily planted with plants like an amazon sword, maybe cabomba, java fern, java moss?, phoenix moss, and a plant that I saw in P@H the other day that I don't know the name of :rolleyes: I also want to have a carpet of HC - I don't have CO2 so would I need to dose easycarbo?
I have drawn a sortof "plan" of what I would like which I will add as soon as I've taken a picture of it and uploaded on photobucket :)
Thanks :D

hey ;)

well i think rummys and neons are too small :(

have you seen neon green tetras? or the nano rasboras? they would look great in a small shoal :)

you would need to dose easycarbo and ferts :)

Ah another new member to the wonderful world of aquascaping :D

You will need a source of carbon dioxcide for your setup, HC is especially co2 hungry and it loves liquid forms like excel or easycarbo, buy some nutrient rich substrate like eco-complete or aqua soil and you'l also need ferts for healthy growth, i use 2 parts TPN+ and 3 parts TPN.

You may want to get some other opinions on the fish but i would say that 35L is way too small for shoaling fish like rummys and neons which require a minimum length of 3 foot.
um 35L is small, if its going to be a aquascape then i would focus more on the plants which on its own looks better than the majority of community tanks IMO, then you could add some cherry shrimp for appearance and clean up duties, or even some high grade crystal red shrimp. If your intent on fish then dwarf puffers might be worth a go.
white cloud mountain minnows :)

sorry :blush:

ah the poor mans neon :lol: um well some would say they'll be fine in 35L but i would want to give them a bit more space. 35L might be fine if the tank is filled with plants as it helps with the bio-filtration and they do love planted tanks. Oh also have your filter running at full speed as they like fast flowing water.
My plan :) That sounds kinda evil :lol:


AMZ: Amazon Sword
R w/PxM: Rcok with Phoenix Moss
R w/JM: Rock with Java Moss
BW: Bog Wood
JF: Java Fern
A: Anubias
P@H: Plant I can't remember the name of :rolleyes:
CBA: Cabomba
should be great, have a look on ebay for sumatra wood - a cheap alternative to red moor wood, its much nicer than bogwood.

have fun.

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