Stunted Growth


Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Torquay, Devon, England
Hi guys

quite a few months ago now I took in a batch of Albino Convict Cichlid fry, I kept about 5 or 6 and have the rest to guys at work. Today I had a look in both their tanks and their fish are now 2 or 3 times bigger than mine, proper big!!! and they are also laying babies of their own.

Mine are still what I would consider really small and have not had any babies. My tank is much bigger than the guys at work, its a 5ft tank, and there is not a huge number of other fish in there.

I wondered is there something im doing wrong?? I really want mine to grow and start producing!

Thanks guys

excellent thnks very much, so basically I need to up my water changes, I wouldnt consider my tank crowded whatsoever but due to it always looking really clean I have to admit i dont change the water as often as I should.

Is it likely that by concentrating on doing quite a few changes over the next few weeks that they will start to grow or is that it, they are stunted so to speak from now on??
Waterchange's and diet are key to growth, i used to change 350litre's twice weekly in my 566litre tank and my fish grew like nobody's bussiness, but all fish grow at different rate's even in the same specie's, my snakehead babie's, some now are 2inch+ and theres a couple that still havent made 1inch
deffinately do more water changes as it will still promote growth.

I know that when your tank looks clean it can feel like a bit of a hassle to change the water but in truth very few fish care about the visibility/cleanliness of the water, it is the water pollutants that make the difference and these can only be managed via water changes.

As stated above, the fry will grow at different rates, at 3-4 weeks old some fry will be twice the size of others.
okey dokey!! just stocked up on 500ml of dechlor off ebay so will crack on with the changes when I get home!! thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated!

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