My Daughter Has Her Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2009
Reaction score
Bonnyrigg, Midlothian
well daughter got up at half 6 this morning and walked through the dining room and missed the tank for all of 3 seconds than was totally hyper about having her very own tank. blanked all othr presents. :lol:

Stocking as noted im my sig

I have a rubbish pic on my phone as camera busted atm i will figure out how to upload it later ! promise
but I have to add thanks to

all people who have posted in reply to Questions and posted various stuff re cycling, plants and fish as i have spent hours on here
Weeqt for the guppies :good:
freerunner416 for the other fish :good:

She is so happy it has made our day


Update Mother in law was supposed to get a handfull of Guppies however she tarned up with 2 Blue Dwarf Gourami for the tank so no more guppies in teh tank at the moment.
so Stocking is now

6 Cardinal Tetra
3 Guppies
2 blue dwarf gourami
2 albino corys
Happy Birthday mini<Johng89>
opp's forgot to reply :rolleyes:
Well iam glad you are starting the next generation of fish hobbist's nice and young, :good:
Hope you have a great day with your Daughter, finger's crossed she get's lot's of nice gift's from every body :hyper:
Happy birthday little one :-
awww happy birthday to your little girl, sounds like she is getting spoilt rotten by her daddy, which is just how it should be :) have a great day, 4 is such a cute age.
happy birthday ;D

next year she will be on a nano reef :p
awww bless, sounds like your both having a great time.
she is worth lots but i think teh wife would have a fit if i told her what it cost to set up a nano reef

I would jump it but you never know ........
tell her happy birthday from me :) i dont think there would be anything better than getting into this hobby at that age, well played :good:
Bagu not if my bank account has anything to do with it

she costs me enough as it is

Happy Birthday to her. Nice age, 4!! If you think she costs you a lot now though, just wait until she's a teenager like my daughter is now! :hey:
Happy Birthday.

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