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  1. K


    this is one of my females, she still has a little while until she drops :) she's getting quite plump now, the dark spot will get a bit bigger aswell.
  2. K

    Alternative To Vallis

    I'm looking to remove all the vallis from one of my tanks, it's taking a fair beating from bristle nosed plecs & clown loaches (trying to eat it or just bashing through it, lol) so I'm trying to think of another plant to fill the space with & would love some ideas :) Water stats: temp 29°c ph...
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    Bristle Nose Catfish

    They can change their colour slightly depending on their moods :) I've got a total of 8 now (in various tanks) and no two are identica. Here's a couple of shots to show the different markings :)
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    I love sterbai corys, their prices do range (not sure about US i'm affraid) but I've seen them go for anything upto £15 each...........................I've got 10 of them, thankfully I know the breeder though ;) Definetly a nice cory if you can afford them, so I'd say go for them here's a...
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    Thanks for all the help & suggestions :D The plan of attack now is to get some Seachem stuff for the time being, since I'm going away pretty soon they'll be no one to dose the dry ferts every day & monitor levels.....................once I get back then I'll be switching over to the dry ferts...
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    thanks kamel_007 :) The only seachem stuff I can find is Flourish & Flourish Excel, would either of these be ok?? I really want to start from scratch with this tank once I get back from my holidays, so I think that i will go with the EI route then :) Can anyone recommend any further...
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    Crinum Thaianum

    this is a brilliant plant, I've got a few in my goldfish tank (one plant they wont eat or dig up, lol). The leaves do get really long, some of mine are over 4' long before I need to trim them can either trim them back to a length which is more suitable for your tank...
  8. K


    I'm looking into adding some much needed fertilisers to my tank, but I'm completely lost as to which would be best :unsure: So far I've looked at the Seachem range and the PMDD route but I'm still not sure, both have their good points. The main concerns I have are with cost & dosage, I'm...
  9. K

    Goldfish Why Do They Never Have Babies

    I have a 10 month old male who is in perfect breeding condition (not intentionally but he's your typical male ;) ) no one's told him he's not allowed to breed until he's 5 yrs old, lol. it could be that your fish are the same sex, the males get little white dots on their gill covers and down...
  10. K

    Substrate Advice Please

    It's pretty good since it has peat, sand & volcanic "bits" in it which help prevent it compacting into a thick brick, lol. I used 1 bag to do a 3' tank, 2' tank & repot the cactus :D
  11. K

    Plant Swapping

    I've posted buckets full of plants to different people, it just breaks my heart to throw plants away :( I'd much rather see them going to another person so they can enjoy them too :) I've also received a few plants from people, which I've then grown on and passed onto even more people :) so...
  12. K

    Substrate Advice Please

    I personally use a layer of cactus compost under 3mm gravel (eheim blew my budget aswell, lol) I've used this in most of my planted tanks with really good it's only £3 for a big bag of the stuff ;)
  13. K

    Goldfish Why Do They Never Have Babies

    I can't get mine to STOP breeding, lol. the first thing is to check and see if you have a boy & a girl ;) , the water has to be nice and clean, and have plants to swim through to spawn. Mine usualy spawn a day after a large water change, but they turn round and eat the eggs straight away unless...
  14. K


    He lovelly :D If you add some tall plants ( silk are the best if your going for fake ones) he should feel a bit more relaxed, since he can hide behind them and sleep under them :D . The tank will be fine for him for a while, although it'll be worthwhile investing in a larger filter (I have 3...
  15. K

    Shrimp With Betta?

    I've got Amano Shrimp (caridina japonica) in with my betta, he gets along fine with it, so do all the other fish.....infact I'd say it's more of a case of the shrimp getting his own way, lol it just shoves past everyone to get to the food it wants :D They can be left in the tank if treating...
  16. Shrimpy_dude__.jpg


  17. K

    Light For Nano Tank

    I was thinking I might have to make a new hood :S I've got the Interpet Compact T5 in a larger tank, they get really hot, they even melted the brackets they came with to hold them onto the lid!!! (Nice big heavy duty holders now, lol). I might have to leave the gloss out of this tank, and go...
  18. K

    Emperor Tetras

    I used to have a load of these fish, they really are beautiful, completely nuts but beautiful, lol. The males get lovelly fins and have bright blue eyes, the females have green so really easy to tell which is which :) If the tank is heavily planted then they're a lot happier, chasing each...
  19. K

    Light For Nano Tank

    I've decided to plant up one of my teeny tanks (about 20 litres) at the moment it has bogwood with javamoss & java fern attachted to it (cuttings taken from other tanks ;) ) I'd like it nicely planted with smaller plants with the bogwood being the main thing giving a little bit of hight to the...
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    Juwel Standard H Filter

    yeap air gets trapped inside the powerhead when you fill the tank back up, the simplest way to dislodge it is once you've filled the tank back up turn the pump on and stick your fingure over the outlet pipe for a few seconds, you should here the air bubbling out of it then remove your fingure...
  21. K

    Tank With Java Moss

    Sorry forgot that part :*) I'd go for the otos then :) they're very nice, pretty & calm fish who shouldn't bother with your fry at all :) they also wont rip the java moss apart (my bristlies love pulling it off the wood, lol). You could go with 2 otos and one small apple snail :)
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    They can get huge given the right condtions, after all they are goldfish just with a funny shaped body ;) . I've seen some truely stunning blackmoors over 8" in body length, the problem most people get is once they get to a certain size they become too heavy to swim properly, they don't have...
  23. K


    they are incredibly easy to breed, once you have a female & male ;) I can't stop mine from breeding (well short of seperating them, lol), they can lay eggs a couple times a week when they're happy ;) . The best thing to use is spawning mops to catch the eggs, or live plants, the male will...
  24. K

    Tank With Java Moss

    shrimp will eat any fry they manage to catch, also corys may eat and tiny fry aswell (they're they're a safe bet than shrimp ;) ) Oto's can be delicate much prefering mature calm tanks. MTS breed like mad, but yes they do a great job of areating sand/gravel substrates. If your doing...
  25. K

    Tank With Java Moss

    It depends on the size of the snail really :) You probally wont have a problem with algea in a tank of that size but the snail does help clean up any left over food aswell, which is helpful with messy fry ;) . I'd probally go for just the one, but try and get a really good sized snail, maybe...
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    Getting New Plants & Planting In Established Tank

    when it says 100 plants it means 100 stems of plants, so you can bunch them together :) I've ordered from greenline many times (I've lots of tanks ;) ) and been very happy with them. If you went for the labelled collection then it's very simple, since the lables also tell you where to put...
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    My Sailfin Plec

    unfortuently some of them can turn nasty, I've lost some beautiful discus when mine turned on them :-( , best advise is to remove him before anything nasty happens
  28. K

    Tank With Java Moss

    not apple snails, they also lay their eggs above the water line so it's easy enough to spot them and remove them before they hatch ;)
  29. K

    Tank With Java Moss

    I've found apple snails to be brilliant wee cleaners for small tanks, they don't produce much waste and wont eat any of your fry :)
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    Two New Bettas

    HI Jessica Really glad that they've settled in so well :D (& thanks for pointing out this forum :D ) Any progress with naming them yet?? :)
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    Getting Some Livebearers

    I definetly prefer Endlers myself, I have a planted tank with quite a few of them (they breed too quickly to keep accurate numbers, lol) along with bronze corys and young croaking gouramis. The females get very big compaired to the males but can handle themselves when they get fed up of all the...
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    Little Introduction

    Thought I'd introduce myself for those of you who don't already know me :D I've been keeping fish now for quite a few years, and the number of fish tanks has gradually increased to include a few different fish ;) My main tank is a planted discus tank which is home to some lovely blue...