Goldfish Why Do They Never Have Babies


Dec 19, 2005
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how come
they stay toghter in a tank & never have babies
Well goldfish lay eggs and will eat them, they also won't breed until they are a half decent size, it's much easier to breed them in a pond with several fish.

I agree with emma, goldfish will eat just about anything when they get to breeding size including their eggs.

If you wanna breed them i also suggest you go for a pond, what types of goldfish are you trying to breed and what is the climate like where you live? If you live in somwhere like england, only certain types of goldys can live outside due to the cold.
What size tank are they in and are you sure you have a male/female? To tell the difference...

- Males develop breeding tubercles (white pimples) on the gill covers and on the leading edge of the pectoral fins
- Females develop a deeper body as the fill with roe, and have a larger vent (just before the anal fin) than the males.

I have seen goldfish spawn in tanks as small as 20 gallons.. The main thing is that it isnt too warm to start with and isnt too light. You would aim to slowly increase the temperature over a series of 3 or 4 weeks to help condition the fish, starting at about 15 degrees and going up to 20 degrees Celcius.

Theres a goodlittle article here on the Bristol Aquarists Website

I can't get mine to STOP breeding, lol.
the first thing is to check and see if you have a boy & a girl ;) , the water has to be nice and clean, and have plants to swim through to spawn.
Mine usualy spawn a day after a large water change, but they turn round and eat the eggs straight away unless I use mops to catch them on which I remove quickly :)

The fry can be quite slow growing , but saying that I have a 10 month old male that is almost the same size as his dad, but much deeper in the body!!! they grow quickly in good size tanks :)
goldfish do have babies it just takes a long time.
for a start goldfish need to be atleast 3-5 years befour they even breed there first time.
my gold fish is pregonant but is in a critical condition.
(post on Help! by black molly3 to find out more)

black molly3
sorry i have not replied :*)

they are just the normal comet goldfish
yes i live in england
they are in a 23 gallon UK Tank
i think they are about 5 or 6 yes old
so you've probably got 2 males or 2 females :p

How often do you waterchange? Weekly waterchanges are a must with goldfish as they are a messy carp.

yes i had a look at them & they look the same to me so i think i have the same sexes :rolleyes:

i do a water charge every 4 days
I have a 10 month old male who is in perfect breeding condition (not intentionally but he's your typical male ;) ) no one's told him he's not allowed to breed until he's 5 yrs old, lol.

it could be that your fish are the same sex, the males get little white dots on their gill covers and down their front fins...........females tend to be plump
when u say they need a water change does that count as cleaning the gravel with a gravel cleaner?

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