Getting Some Livebearers


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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could i keep guppies and endler guppies together?

how many of each in a 10 gal? :thumbs:
Yes you can keep then together, make sure you add female's too though or the males will get aggresive. Not sure how many though.
It's recommended you don't, because goodness knows we need more Guppy/Endler hybrids in the world. Pick just one and then for Guppies I'd go for 4-6 females and 2 males, for Endlers...basically what you can find. Mostly they come in pairs, but it's okay with them as the males aren't as harassing.
i think the ones in the LFS are already hybrids :-(
What, the Endlers or the Guppies? Most Fancy Guppies already have Endler in them, so they can get the fancy colors. That's normal. It's mainly that we don't want the few pure Endlers left to get hybridized, because there may or may not be any left in the wild. Even if they are hybridized, I'd still pick one because there is no need to hybridize them more.
could i keep a pure endler pair with balloon mollies?
Yeah. Technically they can still hybridise, but the chances of it are slim. I wouldn't do it in your 10 gallon though, because you need enough females per male for the Mollies, and 1-2 more Endler females if possible. Why not try for all Endlers, and then perhaps a small school of Pygmy Cories? It would make an interesting tank, especially if it's planted. :thumbs:
I definetly prefer Endlers myself, I have a planted tank with quite a few of them (they breed too quickly to keep accurate numbers, lol) along with bronze corys and young croaking gouramis. The females get very big compaired to the males but can handle themselves when they get fed up of all the attention ;) I've not had the best of luck with guppies in the past as I find them quite delicate through over breeding, I've also seen a lot of endler/guppy hybrids around and have to admit that I like the pure endler much more :D .

If you go for endlers then just add lots of live plants and they should take care of themselves pretty well, plus their colours look lovelly next to the green plants ;)

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