Two New Bettas


Moved On
Jan 17, 2005
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I just got these two boys through the post today :D They're from someone from another forum (dont know if she uses this one) and they are SOOOOO cute!! I've had loads of bettas through the post now but these definately arrived the happiest and healthiest looking!! They looked less stressed than from a trip home for my LFS actually :lol: I cant believe they were actually shipped overnight :blink:

Anyway, i've attached some pics, they're not great but i'll try to get some better ones later. The blue one actually looks a bit more dark purple 'in person' but the flash has made him look very blue :rolleyes:

And the green one just doesn't stay still for a pic so they're terrible!! :lol:


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They are beautiful! Where in the UK?...were they costly?....are you sure its not cruel/stressing to travel thro the post!....
Thanks everyone :D And yes, Ksam was a very good seller - Really helpful and nice! Will definately buy from her again :D

And these boys are SOOOOO active!!! I've just fed them some bloodworms (went down very well!!) and they were flaring at me and stuff as i was trying to sort the tank out (annoying lid!) - They either hate me or were really hungry after their journey :wub:

I just need names for these two now and im terrible at thinking of names, so any suggestions?! :D

liz2 - It can be very stressful shipping fish but i think it can help a lot if they're packed carefully and stuff. These two were packed really well, they had nice sized bags so they could move around a bit and had a heat pack thing as well so they were lovely and warm overnight :)
You could still improve their colors and make it shinny.

Plakats are always been my favorite.

Plakats are fighter bettas I hpe you can name them with really musculine names.

Congratulations with your 2 new Plakats :D
But they're too pretty to have masculine names :lol: Though judging by the way they flare at me so much they could be fighters :rolleyes:

I've mainly had HMs before but thought i'd try plakats this time :D I've always liked how they dont look so droopy as long finned bettas! HMs looks lovely flaring but not so nice when they're just dragging their fins behind them :lol:
But they're too pretty to have masculine names :lol: Though judging by the way they flare at me so much they could be fighters :rolleyes:

I've mainly had HMs before but thought i'd try plakats this time :D I've always liked how they dont look so droopy as long finned bettas! HMs looks lovely flaring but not so nice when they're just dragging their fins behind them :lol:

Jessican can you give me the contact info please
Well, i dont actually know her email address :lol: But i know her from this website: and she's on their as Ksam so just join up and PM her! :D I think she still has a few boys left from this spawn ;) I shall give her a link to this thread so she can give people more info if necessary though :D

And here's some more pics of my new babies :wub: The blue one just keeps flaring at me when i feed him :blink: He's so funny!!! He wiggles at me a lot too :lol:

Blue one:




And here's what he made for me this morning :wub:


Green one:




And he made a better one :lol:


How adorable are they? :hyper:
They are absolutely beautiful. I have just been talking to my beautiful telescopic goldfish who is all by himself in a hospital tank and he comes right out of the water to be fed. But I have been to local lfs this morning ..terrible conditions..but they had some puffers figure of 8 and I used to have one of those for several years inbetween having bettas and they are so cute. Trying to be strong...and not succumb to urge to rescue one...
HI Jessica

Really glad that they've settled in so well :D (& thanks for pointing out this forum :D ) Any progress with naming them yet?? :)

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