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  1. D

    small tanks

    i live in canada, the more southern part but still, and i don't have heaters in my tanks, i just keep my fish in my room near the heaters in the winter. I figure if the temp is good for me it's good for them :) i don't think the fish will be damaged by lviing in a smaller tank as long as you...
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    my bettas lived in a half gallon for just under a year and they were fine, i don't have a lot of space in university so :dunno: You just have to change the water more often.
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    I.D my fish.......updated (pics working )

    well based as their fish from your area, not common found in aquariums, it'd be tough to id them. I know at my lake in NS we have golden shiners, they're golden colour with a black band on their side, do they look like that?
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    I.D my fish.......updated (pics working )

    Where did you get them? They kinda look like the fish that are in my lake at teh cottage :P
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    Thought i'd share some pictures this site is a littel bit on rosetails, with pictures :P
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    Thought i'd share some pictures

    I know it's really tough to tell with him :dunno: , and he doesn't flare as much as my other guys which makes it kinda tough. In that first picture though he looks like a HM, and then the second last one of time he looks like just a delta. that's a picture of him before he got his fin rot...
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    Thought i'd share some pictures

    So i was changing the water in my tanks today and my one betta Noble started going crazy, and i realized just how big his fins are when he puffs out. He's getting over a bit of fin rot he got when i went on vacation. this is what he looked like when i got him, he still is that bright blue...
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    Weird coloring

    my betta has somethign similar to that he has little spots on his tail and this one on the dorsal fin
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    constant flaring

    I have my 5 males in a little row in their kritter keepers and they don;t flair comstantly at one anther, it just happened occassionally. Usually when i change the water because i mix the order around and they realize each other all over again :wub:
  10. D

    Other fish with bettas?

    that's pretty much what i think that it depends on the betta :P My male got along fine with fancy tail guppies but he was the only one out of my five you did :P - not that i've tested them all, my poor little guppies lol and yes i was at the pets unlimited store and i was really impressed, but...
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    Other fish with bettas?

    Okay so i was in a pet store in Halifax the other day when i convinced my friend to pick up a betta for her house :P As we asked the guy to bag the one we wanted he said the bettas do much better with other fish. I of course was curious if he actually knew what he was talking about (and not...
  12. D

    Can I put a guppy in a 1 gallon?

    although i would maybe stick with a betta, they generally last longer than guppies :P so you would have to deal with this. I've only lost like 2 bettas, and something like 8 guppies! ! (and that's onlyin one year)
  13. D

    VT "mutts" gallery post your pics

    Heheh here are my 3 VTs This is charlie (as in chaplan) and his little bowler cap Cobalt: my oldest betta (he's over 2 yrs old and huge) And the fish of many colours: Shiney (he changes with light, and yes all these pics are the same fish)
  14. D

    This forum

    Well all 5 of my bettas live in 1/2 gallon tanks. I would love to get nice big tanks for all of them and decorate them but i don't have the money or the space to update their tanks. All my bettas seem happy, they have bubble nests, no disease or fin rot. my oldest betta i've had for 2...
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    Strange Feeding habits...

    Mmmm i never actually thought of it as an old age thing because i just got him in march :P oh course he was a rescue from the pet store so who knows how old he is. The spots on his tail are so weird. :P silly boy though i wonder if it's a water quality thing because i just noticed my delta has...
  16. D

    Strange Feeding habits...

    Okay so my cute green butterfly Charlie has been acting really weird when he's eating. I put the pellets in his tank and they float on the water. He comes up to eat them like a normal betta but... he ALWAYS's like he thinks his mouth is on his black spot on his head :P , because...
  17. D

    omg what do i do

    It is extremely hard to tell with female tail types :P Plus you're only saying she isn;t a VT female, well then what is she? is she a crownie? or a dt? if she's not there is a pretty good chance that she's VT. And you will get a lot of VTs with a VT cross. And bettas have a ton of fry, we're...
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    YES! I Won

    my guy cobalt has really big ones too :P
  19. D

    Breeding Bettas

    look at the pinned topic in this section - all your answers are there
  20. D

    Sick betta, help please

    What type of food are you feeding your betta? I know flakes and bloodworms can dirty the water quicker than pellets. I know my guy who has chronic fin rot (if there is such a thing :P), the minute the water gets a little dirty he starts loosing parts of his tail/fins. He also will only eat...
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    does anyone know what gallon these are

    I found mine at the dollar store :lol:
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    I'm confuzzled....

    are they just plakets?
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    Girl Bettas

    where in ontario, there is a pet store in guelph that sells females and i gotta beleive that big al fish mart would have somehting if you're near one of them :thumbs:
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    I'm Full Of Questions Today.

    my delta tail had that when i first got him from the fish store, his little cup o death just said DT, so i didn't know it it was a delta or a interesting double tail. But it's gone now so it could just be from water conditions maybe?
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    my first gurly

    it's tough call veil or delta, can you get a picture when he's flaring and puffing out his tail?
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    Little Simon and Petey

    that's awful!!!!! i hope he makes it BM :-( Just a side note: I hate when people do this, my friend goes to a different university and apparently one of the biology labs was looking at aggression so they purposely put 2 bettas in the same tank :crazy: to record the fact they attack each...
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    Signs of Ageing

    it could be due to poor water quality
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    does anyone know what gallon these are

    Are you sure they are only half a gallon? I'm almost positive i read 1 gallon on the side of them, i think they're making them a little bigger.
  29. D

    any1 know stores in T.O with

    you could try in the china town area and see if anyone down there are sellling them. I live bout an hour of of TO. But i don't know anyplace specific that sell them. I know a place in guelph sells DTs but i think that's a little out of your way :P
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    New Little Betta Boy

    And now for something completely different, how 'bout the name Aruba? or going with the seaweed theme, kelp? :rofl:
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    Pic of my new boy :D

    if you goto teh sticky at the top of this forum there are lots of good sites already posted in that :)
  32. D

    What does a betta really want?

    personally, it really depends on the personality of your bettas, my one guys hated the 5 gal when he was in it, and is really happy now he's in the 1/2 gal tank :/ i've heard that betta's like caves and things to swim through, you just have to be careful that it doesn't have sharp edges on it.
  33. D

    Have my pair had eggs?

    We have a problem with you breeding for money because you really, and i mean really don't seem to care about your fish. Every post you've posted, we give you suggestions and you just post the same post again, are you even reading what these good betta people are telling you? :blink:
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    Feeding Live Foods

    my metallic will only eat frozen bloodworms, he refused to even look at pellets, i think he likes dark coloured things or he likes pretending to be a hunter :P
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    It's time.

    Just be aware with PETA BM, they don't beleive animals should be used for anything, that includes fish as pet even properly taken care of.
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    Got my first betta

    When he flares is it at something? Like large object beside the tank? My one guy flares all the time and jumps but he's going after the betta on the fish food bag :lol: They actually sell betta flake food too, but i think a betta would be fine eating tropical fish food as long as it was a...
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    SHOW OFF YOR BETTAs pic he loves the camera so he'll never show his side :( name: Cobalt age: 2 yrs+ type VT male size 2.5ish inches name: Shiney age: 1 yrs+ type VT male size 2ish inches name: Charlie Chaplin age: 1 yrs+ type VT male size 2ish inches name: Noble age: Less then a year...
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    True Double Tail?

    my new guy noble was do as a DT - there were double tail and delta tail beign sold so i actually don't know what he was but he does have an interesting thing about his tail. He has a indent in the middle of his tail, kinda like he was a double tail and it fused together :dunno: it is like that?
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    Picky picky!

    i got mine almost 2 weeks ago and he JUST started to nibble at the bloodworms. Doesn't want any biogold either!
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    Is there anyway to induce pregnancy?

    i guess you'd have too :/ Actually she looks like she may be recovering, the white stuff she had on her looks like it may be gone, i have to do a water change and a double check of course but if that's the case she can go back in the big tank with her boy :wub: and give birth there. Well i...