Thought i'd share some pictures


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2005
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So i was changing the water in my tanks today and my one betta Noble started going crazy, and i realized just how big his fins are when he puffs out. He's getting over a bit of fin rot he got when i went on vacation.




this is what he looked like when i got him, he still is that bright blue colour when the sun hits him :wub: :)

So my question is, is he a Halfmoon or just a delta tail? or some other weird tail lol :p

Also my one guy Spike that had the really bad fin rot and didn't eat for like 3 weeks, look he's all better :D

I just wanted to show him off :look:
From what I can tell he is a delta, to be a HM he would have to have a 180 degree fin span, which from what I can tell from the pics he does not. Either way he's really beautiful. :wub:
riogal_11 said:
From what I can tell he is a delta, to be a HM he would have to have a 180 degree fin span, which from what I can tell from the pics he does not. Either way he's really beautiful. :wub:

Actually, in the second pic he looks like a HM...

Beautiful fish!!! :D
Gooorgeous! :drool:
He looks like a superdelta rosetail to me
That in no way resembles a double tail lol. He has one lovely single tail. It looks alot like a HM, although I have no way to measure his tail and see if it is indeed a 180 degree spread. If it isn't quite HM status...then he's most definately a Super Delta.

He does also look alot like a rose tail, but if he is recovering from fin rot..that could make his fins look that way as well though.

I edited your picture so people can see him a little better, hope you don't mind.

I know it's really tough to tell with him :dunno: , and he doesn't flare as much as my other guys which makes it kinda tough.

In that first picture though he looks like a HM, and then the second last one of time he looks like just a delta.


that's a picture of him before he got his fin rot. His fins were a little longer but that's the best picture i have of him before the fin rot (and after the first day i got him lol). I don't know if he's a rosetail but he does have weird little branches at the end of his tail and a dip in the middle of it.

Kinda hard to beleive if he is a rose tail and a Hm that i got him from a pet store witht the regular bettas lol

I love this little guy though :wub: so much personality.

And no SCR i don't mind at all :thumbs: i forget how dark my ####tastic camera is :p
You are right. Each picture could give a person a differnent perception. Looking at the second one again he definitely looks like a HM. But in the 1st and 3rd he looks delta. It's hard to tell since cameras can be so deceiving.
A HM can look like a Delta if they don't spread their fins out properly and completely.

And he does indeed look like a rosetail. Alot of Breeders don't want rosetails, as if I'm not mistaken they are faulted for that...that is probably the reasoning in your finding him.

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