Little Simon and Petey


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Last night we went to a wedding. On each of the 25+ tables was a betta in a bowl. Throughout the night, I saw people taking one from a table and leaving so I was actually pretty impressed when, toward the end of the night, only a few bowls remained on tables here and there. I wasn't about to leave any of them behind, so I made a walkthrough to make sure they all had homes. I walked up to one table where several 20-something year olds were starding around talking, laughing and drinking beer. There were 2 betta bowls on their table, so I asked one guy if they were taking those fish home. He said back to me "Ha! If they don't kill each other first..." Yeah, when I looked closer, they had dumped them together several hours before. After he got a death glare from me, I picked them both up and went back to our table. It was dark in there so I couldn't see what damage had been done, but I immediately separated them back into separate bowls. At this time, I had 3 fish that i had planned to take home. Another girl approached me as soon as I separated them and told me she was SO glad that someone did that because she hadn't dared to approach that table and do it. She then asked me if I would mind if she took one of the ones who had been put together home, so I gladly let her, and gave her some instructions on how to take care of him - and off she went. (she took the blue one of the 2, I got the red one) As we left, we saw the guy who had made the "if they don't kill each other" comment, and he said "Hey... by the way, that blue fish is probably drunk because we were feeding him gin all night too! haa haa haa!" The boyfriend just ushered me to the car before I killed someone. I would just like to point out that I did not make any scene whatsoever, and besides the one guy, no one at the party even knew I was upset.

I didn't get REALLY REALLY upset until we got back to the hotel and I could look at little Simon under the lights. His entire dorsal fin aside from 2 teeny little strands was ripped off, about 1/3 of his caudal fin is gone and his face is so mutliated about 1/4 of the entire side of his head is just gone and his skin was hanging there - wide open. This was now about 24 hours ago. He's still hanging on - we made an emergency trip to (of ALL places) WalMart this morning to get both the new boys (I also got a turquoise one - I'll mention him later) some of those little betta keepers, stress coat, salt and a silk plant for little Simon - we had a 7 hour car ride ahead of us and I wanted to try to make them as comfortable as possible. We got them into the clean water - and he has now lost most of his color - I'm pretty sure he won't make it thru the night. If he does, it will be quite the miracle. Honestly, I'm really pretty shocked he made it thru the car ride home. I have him in sparkly clean water with loads of stress coat, some salt and lots of colloidal. It's the best I can do for him. He's such a sweetheart - even though I'm sure it's horribly hard for him, whenever I peek in on him, he swims over to say hi. His wounds are completely horrendous looking - I don't think he can even open his mouth more than enough to get a breath. I tried dangling some frozen bloodworms in front of him and he just stayed there with them rubbing his nose and did nothing.

I hope to god I never see that litle bastard again who did this. They were laughing about it.

I also got another boy, Petey, who is a gorgeous turquoise green. He's going to do just fine - he's eaten everything I have offered him and he was even flaring. He has a pretty severe case of finrot, but that's at least something I know I can handle.

Why do people have to be so cruel? I am beginning to hate most humans. And I really don't like that.
Next time, bring a butcher knife and chop into the big table and tell him what are you talking! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Opps, this is an asian cultural style! LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
I would have LOVED to have simply slapped him across the face.
I think that would have humiliated him enough in front of everyone.
I didn't want to ruin the bride and groom's day, so I left it.
But right now I want to kick that little bastard right in the behind.
I just checked on Simon and he's starting to tip sideways now.
That's just despicable. Some people are SO stupid they shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

A note on the fighter boy.... Keep an eye out for any signs of what looks like a dark gray (almost black) fungus, because it won't be fungus. Both of mine that were fighting fell prey to the same thing, where part of their body near their tails essentially died long before they did, and it became toxic to them. The dead flesh looked a lot like fungus, though I know it wasn' was too dark, and it had entirely the wrong consistency. That was over a day after I got them, maybe two days? I think two days. And they had been together in their cup, in filthy water, for several days at least. If that little boy develops anything like what my boys had...he won't last long after the symptoms show up. I was treating them with anti-fungus and anti-bacterial medications, and it didn't do a single bit of good.

I thought I should warn it won't take you completely by surprise if you see it, too.
i hope they make it!!!

when my boys fought (thanks to the curious kitties breaking the divider, they were both pretty beat up, and i swore that they would not make it throught the night!

they are both here with me a few months later. i started them with silver, salt and some melafix (at the betta fis dosage) for the first week. then they just got a little salt and silver for the next few weeks.

it is really surprising what they can live through! both boys looked like they had ribbons hanging from their bodies instead of fins!

by the way, those peope are idiots, but i won't waste time talking about them... i'm glad that you rescued them!
I'm seeing lots of white stuff - looks like fungus, but it's where all right over where his wounds are. It has come on in the last 12 hours. I'm keeping a really close eye on it - I can't tell if it is fungus or if it's just skin flopping around and starting to heal - he has lots of tissue gone, so I have a gut feeling it's skin. I think I'll wait til tomorrow til I decided to medicate him - it might not be something I have to decide anyway, cuz I don't think he'll make it to then. The colloidal should at least help start healing the wounds and as long as his water is clean there's not all that much more I think I can do for him tonight.
I haven't seen any black stuff but I'll keep an eye out for it.
Thanks for the warning.

I HATE people right now. I have lost all faith in them. They SUCK.
that's awful!!!!!

i hope he makes it BM :-(

Just a side note:
I hate when people do this, my friend goes to a different university and apparently one of the biology labs was looking at aggression so they purposely put 2 bettas in the same tank :crazy: to record the fact they attack each other. :grr:
Oh BettaMomma, if that had been me there would have been some blood... likely induced by the severe cerebral hemorrhaging my "I'm really angry at you and here's why" speeches are known to cause :lol:
I'm a small person, but I have yet to meet someone that I couldn't reduce to tears if they deserve it, and if anyone has ever deserved it, it's that jerk who put the bettas together :angry:

If I had been the bride and those betta centerpieces were my idea and therefore MY responsibility, then there really would have been hell to pay. Not only is this incident cruel, but also very disrespectful to the bride and groom, if you ask me...

Ugh, I wasn't even there and I'm fuming!
Bettamomma, you are truly a great person. That betta Simon is so lucky to have you. Even if he doesn't make it, at least his last hours were in peace and clean water. Believe me, I work at an animal rescue, it is VERY hard to have faith in people. THe only thing you can do is try not to let the small negative influence your view of the whole population. (Believe me, when you get in a dog that cowers when you so much as look at him because his owners abused him and broke his ribs by throwing him down the's very hard to have faith.) But the only thing that one really can focus on is the bright side, in this case the fish has a wonderful new home and in my case the dog is mended and living happily in the comfort of his new sweet parents. One person really does make a difference.
:< What those people did was so downright cruel. Don't they remember the golden rule? Do to others as you would have them do to you? I would have given them a little reminder.... but good on you for keeping your cool.

Simon and Petey are so lucky that you came along.... I'm glad to hear Petey's doing well. :)

As for Simon, I hope he pulls through... good luck to you both. :nod:
Way to go bettamomma another save :thumbs:
I'm sorry or is it just me :dunno: What idiot puts these poor little fish out as decoration at a wedding where they know theres always going to be at least 1 drunken div that will do something like this, I would have a word with the wedding planner and i'd get hold of the people that supplied them. :grr: :hyper:
I can't believe somebody could be soooo brain dead as to think this is a good way of homing fish, if anybody truely wanted a betta they would make the effot to go to the lfs etc and do it properly, :angry: Why couldn't they just have balloons on the table like everone else.

RANT OVER :whistle:
Good luck with your rescue b/m
Because some people just want something beautiful and unique for their wedding, because it's their wedding, and it should be special, and there's really nothing you can do to talk them out of it. They don't think that this "beautiful and unique" thing for their wedding is a living being, and, furthermore, they don't care enough to spare the Bettas that much.

And the drunken dip giving the Betta gin should be neutered so he's not allowed to create more drunken dips. Just a thought for consideration there.

Petey sounds like he's going to do fine. He's so lucky he met you! Poor Simon, though. Surviving the fight is bad enough (they can do it, so long as other disease doesn't have time to set in), but surviving GIN? Alcohol is toxic. I'm surprised he's made it this far, but the fact that he has does bode a bit well for him. Poor, poor Simon. Still...Bettas can be remarkably resilient little critters, and, if anyone can get a fish through it, you can, BM.

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