
this was written by Wuv in the pinned topics

Tank Size

Bettas can live healthy and well in anything from a 1 gallon up. A 1 gallon is the absolute minimum, preferable size is a 2.5 to a 5. Bettas are not the best community fish but it can be done. It's recommended to avoid bettas in a community if the tank is below 10 gallons. Be sure and research tankmates to avoid too much conflict
how bout half gal for each. theres something like a livebearer trap divided in to parts for betta.and can i put the 'livebearer tap' into my guppy tank>
raeburter said:
how bout half gal for each. theres something like a livebearer trap divided in to parts for betta.and can i put the 'livebearer tap' into my guppy tank>
NO! :crazy: 1 gallon is the absolute minimum for a betta as i said earlier, and i personally hate those little divided betta traps
my bettas lived in a half gallon for just under a year and they were fine, i don't have a lot of space in university so :dunno: You just have to change the water more often.
BUT, if you do have the space, go for atleast a 1 gallon.

And those breeding traps that hang inside the tank-bad idea. The fish will get stressed out (he'll think the guppies are bettas), and I've seen them, the whole thing together doesn't even hold 1/2, so if you split that in two each betta has less then 1/4 a gallon, which won't work. Go to a yard say and find a 1 gallon jar, you might even find one around your house.
I agree, you can house a betta in an unfiltered 1g, but be prepared for some water changes, and extra work! I prefer 2+ gallons and filtered, because I've had some poopy bettas who really liked making messy bubble nests, so those guys got filters really fast. I can fit a 2g on my desk, and if I can, you can too. My desk is cramped and small!

Most of my bettas are in 1 gallon tanks. I would really, really like to upgrade to larger tanks for them. They're just not as active in the 1 gallons as George is in his 6 gallon. I think if I were to do it again, I'd get 2.5 gallons each for them.
If you are truely a betta lover, you will find the room. ;) I'm in a college dorm myself. I have a divided 10 gallon with three bettas in it, a 2.5 gallon minibow with a betta in it, and a 3 gal. critter keeper waiting for the betta I just ordered on AquaBid. :D
If I can make room, anyone can. There are all kinds of neat shelving units that you can get that hold several tanks. I live in a very small dorm room and I currently have 7- 1 gallons... 1- 2.5 gallon... 1 divided 5 gallon..... 1- 5 gallon hex... 1- 10 gallon female community.... and 1 divided 10 gallon. And believe it or not I worked so hard to get everything perfect that it doesn't look cluttered at all.
I have 1G bowls for most of my boys. They are cheap and easy to clean. The only downside is I can't heat them, so I am now looking for a solution for the winter.

Ideally, I think bettas would prefer at least 2.5G. My 1G boys do ok, they are all healthy and active, but I would like to give them more room.

I have an L shaped desk, currently home to 6 1G betta bowls, 1 1G Planet Aquarium tank and a 5G tank. It is crowded, but I could probably fit one or 2 more if I tried.

I would NEVER use a breeding trap for my boys. They use them at the lfs sometimes for their more pricey bettas. They get sold quickly, but to see them in such a tiny space sucks big time. The reason they use them is to move them off the shelf faster. Their betta display is off to one side, so most people don't see them when they are looking at fish, you have to know it is there.

I got my Kaz out of a breeding trap, thank goodness he is tiny and was still able to move around, the bigger ones aren't so lucky.
Seeing my Zuni Warrior glide around in his Hex 5 is worth it. Lavender Pink (may be temporary name) is housed in a vase until his tank comes later this week, and he looks pitiful compared to Zuni.

No don't keep them in small cramped quarters long. Let them stretch their fins. I think they must be healthier if they can get a little excersize.
I think 1 gal is the ABSOLUTE minimum... my boy is in a 1.5 Kritter Keeper and he seems to love it. It does differ with the bettas' personality though - obviously a more active betta would prefer a bigger tank while a more lazy, mellow one wouldn't be as picky.

My parents have made me start paying for all my fish stuff, and since I'm 13 and not old enough for a job yet, I can't afford big filtered tanks. But my betta tanks have heaters as a rule. :thumbs:

And length is more important than width, in my opinion.

As long as the betta is happy, and secondly the owner :p then whatever works, I guess.

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