does anyone know what gallon these are


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2005
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it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission
betta tank
Are you sure they are only half a gallon?

I'm almost positive i read 1 gallon on the side of them, i think they're making them a little bigger.
my betta is in one of those and it holds 18 litres. can you get diferent sizes though?

oh, and i put in a sponge filter and a small heater too. do you want a pic?
red-devil0602 said:
i know, i got a crowntail coming off bettaman next week and wanted a nice little tank but will have to get something else :nod:
that will be ok he is only a youngster and still has a lot of growing to do so he would be ok in there...... :cool:
black angel said:
OK here it is.
He watches you cook his meals on the gas cooker that makes him hot..or do you move it when its on.......and must get really hot if your doing a curry...... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
lol, no it doesnt get too hot for him and if it did i can push him back. :lol:
he look happy enough anyway not sitting in a corner thinking of kansas....... :rofl: :rofl:

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