Search results

  1. CrashingWaves

    Single Cory

    That's the opposite of what my experience with corydoras has been. At one point I have 2 Juli, 3 Panda, and 1 Albino corydoras all hanging together. God Bless, Joshua
  2. CrashingWaves

    Khulie Loaches

    I'd say my Kuhli loaches are around 4 - 5 inches long. They probably aren't as big as 5 inches though, so it's probably closes to 4. God Bless, Joshua
  3. CrashingWaves


    I'd provide hiding spots personally. Kuhli loaches have been known to somehow get under the rocks (when there's a sand substrate) and hide under there. That being said, what's wrong with having caves and hiding spots? Not only will the kuhli loaches, but all the other fish will benefit from...
  4. CrashingWaves

    Clown Loach In A Tank With Ich?

    Clown loaches are extremely sensitive to ich. There's really no point in removing them from the tank since they've already been exposed to it, but, you never know. Some people would suggest a half dose of a salt bath for clown loaches (if they do have ich). Others would suggest using...
  5. CrashingWaves

    Dwarf Loach

    Yes they will, though they are a pretty small loach species so they'll only be able to handle small snails. The best general rule as to which loaches will eat snails, is any botia will, though, some are much better at it than others :). God Bless, Joshua :good:
  6. CrashingWaves

    New To Barbs

    Of course I'm still interested in seeing pictures :). You have some beautiful little tiger barbs, they have nice coloration. For now the size tank they're in will be just fine, but I'm sure they're looking forward to a larger tank :). Keep up the good work :) God Bless, Joshua
  7. CrashingWaves

    Hi All !

    Welcome to the forum :). My girlfriends brother lives up there. But his one goldfish hardly makes him an avid fishkeeper :lol: God Bless, Joshua
  8. CrashingWaves

    Feeding Suggestions For Tanganyikan Community Please!

    I know next to nothing about cichlids (Never interested me). To me the logical answer to this question would be, if the foods you need to feed one species of fish, is harmful to another species in the tank, isn't it a tad unwise to keep the two species together? God Bless, Joshua
  9. CrashingWaves


    Not bad compared to most people I'd say. Just wanted to point out my first betta (which was also my first fish) lived for 5 years after I got him. But anyway, welcome to the forum :) God Bless, Joshua
  10. CrashingWaves

    I'm Headin' For Zambia And Ghana!

    I've never been outside the country, plenty see here so I wouldn't know :lol: God Bless, Joshua
  11. CrashingWaves

    Chocolate Chip Star Fish Diet

    It's completely fine, don't worry about it. I really don't know much about saltwater tanks so it's just kind of educational to read everybody elses posts :). God Bless, Joshua
  12. CrashingWaves

    Cat Pee

    May I ask how the cat got into your house? I mean, we have a lot of farm cats around the area I'm currently lived in, but no stray cat has ever gotten into my house. God Bless, Joshua
  13. CrashingWaves

    New Girl

    Regardless of what tail type she has, she is beautiful :). God Bless, Joshua
  14. CrashingWaves

    Freshwater Snails

    That being said, I've never had a problem with that personally. Adding calcium supplement to water that is already alright, might throw things off. It'd be better for him to check his levels before he ever considered that, which, I doubt he will have to. God Bless, Joshua
  15. CrashingWaves

    Ice Cubes

    My current well water parameters PH hits around 6.5 - 7. I don't check it often to be completely honest, I just know that all the other water levels tested out fine, or close to it. I don't like my well water here as much as the water in Oregon. God Bless, Joshua
  16. CrashingWaves

    Newbie Looking For Advice

    I concur with Mikaila31 on her questions. But I wanted to also point out that there isn't technically a "shark" that would ever fit in a tank that small. True sharks are saltwater for the most part ;) God Bless, Joshua
  17. CrashingWaves

    Color Blindness And Water Parameter Readings

    It is pretty cool that they're actually around. Unfortunately I have absolutely no money to just throw around at will. I'm wondering if I could by change get a used one, somehow. God Bless, Joshua
  18. CrashingWaves

    Fish That Eat Algae

    They don't really clean the glass though. At least they never did in my experiences with them. Not to mention then you have to worry about the other fish in the tank being alright with having a bit of salt in the water. God Bless, Joshua
  19. CrashingWaves

    Cat Pee

    Though I find it very strange that a cat peed in your tank, I believe the obvious answer is to do a pretty decent water change, and everything should be just fine. Keep us updated. God Bless, Joshua
  20. CrashingWaves

    Fish That Eat Algae

    I'll assume you have a small tank, since it's always the safest thing to do. In which case I'd suggest otocinclus catfish. But yes, knowing what size tank you have and what fish in it, would be helpful :) God Bless, Joshua
  21. CrashingWaves

    Tips For An Intersting Enviroment

    You really can't go wrong with adding more plants, he should definately enjoy that. Him flaring all the time just means he's healthy. Thankfully you have yourself a very spunky betta :lol: God Bless, Joshua
  22. CrashingWaves

    There Goes $14

    I hate it when secret prices seem to pop up from nowhere. That being said, I'd pay $14 for that betta, he's quite beautiful. I got my betta from Petco as well, his coloration caught my eye :lol:. God Bless, Joshua
  23. CrashingWaves

    Zebra Pleco

    I really fail to see what you're having a cow about. Since when it all comes down to it, you seem to think the same thing I do. Ignorant people shouldn't be keeping fish, period. Drop it now. God Bless, Joshua
  24. CrashingWaves

    Clown Loachs

    My red tailed shark would actually swim around with the group of clown loaches. It's amazing how well the two species tend to get along together. Sounds like a good match to me :good: . God Bless, Joshua
  25. CrashingWaves

    New To Barbs

    Alright, just let me know when you get the pictures up :) God Bless, Joshua
  26. CrashingWaves

    Loach Caves

    It's amazing how willing people seem to be to get ripped off. They seem to think that the more you pay for something, the better quality something is. Here's another for instance for you. My girlfriend was looking into buying a copy of the biology book they issued in school because it had a...
  27. CrashingWaves

    Baby Mollies

    First of all, welcome to the forum :). Well assuming you want to actually raise the fry, you need to somehow get them away from the rest of the fish in the tank, being that they will more than likely be eaten. Also, they will get sucked up into the filter. Your only real options is to put...
  28. CrashingWaves

    O.s.i. Fish Food

    Never heard of it. God Bless, Joshua
  29. CrashingWaves

    Color Blindness And Water Parameter Readings I found some things here was well. God Bless, Joshua
  30. CrashingWaves

    Pray For Me Pleeease

    Couldn't you just cancel the order or something? You're allowed to change your mind :P God Bless, Joshua
  31. CrashingWaves


    Thanks guys for the help. I'm going to begin researching :) God Bless, Joshua
  32. CrashingWaves

    Test Kits

    Those are the same ones I have. God Bless, Joshua
  33. CrashingWaves

    Color Blindness And Water Parameter Readings

    Do you have a link to one on an online store or something? God Bless, Joshua
  34. CrashingWaves

    Color Blindness And Water Parameter Readings

    It seems like in this day and age that there would be. God Bless, Joshua
  35. CrashingWaves

    Color Blindness And Water Parameter Readings

    It's too bad there's no electronic system you could dip in the water, and it would meassure out all the levels, and put the numbers on a screen. God Bless, Joshua
  36. CrashingWaves

    Chocolate Chip Star Fish Diet

    Well that at least makes more sense ;) God Bless, Joshua
  37. CrashingWaves

    Loach Subforum

    I apologize for bringing it up again then. I was just trying to help with organization. God Bless, Joshua
  38. CrashingWaves


    Is there a good website I can order from? God Bless, Joshua
  39. CrashingWaves

    ! Silver Arowana Pictures ! Page 6 !

    Beautiful looking tank, I loved the look of the curved front. I wish I could afford one :) God Bless, Joshua
  40. CrashingWaves

    My New Baby Turtles

    That's pretty cool, I like your setup for turtles :). I at one point considered getting one myself, but decided against it due to space. But yours look great :good: God Bless, Joshua