Loach Caves

these are caves i use
made from 3mm slate

not for loaches cos i dont keep em but ive made for people who do keep loaches
I have a glass jam jar for mine buried it in gravel and hey presto he loves it!
check the ingredient list of your glue, if you see stuff that doesnt seem safe then better not use it. 100% silicon is still the best choice
Just FYI anything with "aquarium" on it like aquarium silicone is going to be marked up by about 200 percent. Just look in th hardware section for regular silicone, and check the ingredients. As long as its just silicone (with no ant fungus chemicals added) it is fine. There are plenty of other glues you could use but I have always found a caluking gun and a giant tube of cheap silicone works great.

Just FYI anything with "aquarium" on it like aquarium silicone is going to be marked up by about 200 percent. Just look in th hardware section for regular silicone, and check the ingredients. As long as its just silicone (with no ant fungus chemicals added) it is fine. There are plenty of other glues you could use but I have always found a caluking gun and a giant tube of cheap silicone works great.


Thanks for that tip, and it makes a lot of sense. It's amazing how pet stores are able to almost constantly rip people off by making it seem like it's the only thing you can use. The biggest rip off I think I've seen though is the bottles of "betta water" :lol:

God Bless,
Just FYI anything with "aquarium" on it like aquarium silicone is going to be marked up by about 200 percent. Just look in th hardware section for regular silicone, and check the ingredients. As long as its just silicone (with no ant fungus chemicals added) it is fine. There are plenty of other glues you could use but I have always found a caluking gun and a giant tube of cheap silicone works great.


Thanks for that tip, and it makes a lot of sense. It's amazing how pet stores are able to almost constantly rip people off by making it seem like it's the only thing you can use. The biggest rip off I think I've seen though is the bottles of "betta water" :lol:

God Bless,

I agree about the betta and frog water, I laugh about that all the time. When I worked at a lfs I just didnt have the heart to tell the people buying it what it was, sounds mean (and probably is) but if they really were spending 5 dollars on a tiny bottle of dechlorinated water then they deserve it :lol: This hobby is so full of mark ups and rip offs if your not careful (look at how much money people make off carbon and aquarium salt).

It's amazing how willing people seem to be to get ripped off. They seem to think that the more you pay for something, the better quality something is. Here's another for instance for you. My girlfriend was looking into buying a copy of the biology book they issued in school because it had a lot of good information. On the main website for the book, it was over $100 each. I went to Amazon.com, and found a brand new copy of the book for literally $5. It pays it shop around.

God Bless,
Here a pic of just a basic one for breeding.

I was just wandering if you noticed any adverse effects with using this manufactured tile. We got loads left over and i was going to buy some slate ones. However after seeing this post, i might just make them.

(sorry to hijack the thread)

Oh... my input.

Currently my khuli loaches and clown loaches live in slate caves of the equivilent size.

Previously, My dads pakistani loaches also lived in caves like that until he forgot to do a partial water change for 4 months and wandered why his fish started dieing.

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