

Fish Crazy
Jul 16, 2007
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Edinburgh, UK
We're gonna get some Khulie loaches!!!!!! I want them to be as comfortable as possible so do Khulie loaches need caves or will the sand suffice as a place for them to hide as my boyfriend keeps saying.

My khuli loaches select one cave (out of 6 sites) and live there. They are noctournal and only come out after 8pm (1 hour b4 the lights go out) till 7am (where i normally feed them), its like clockwork.

Their previous owner (a member of TFF) had a shell that they would live in. So i guess the answer is, if you want them to be the happiest possible, get caves.

The only problem is that the caves will fill up with their poo in time, so turn it upside down every now and then (say each month) and vacume it out.
I'd provide hiding spots personally. Kuhli loaches have been known to somehow get under the rocks (when there's a sand substrate) and hide under there. That being said, what's wrong with having caves and hiding spots? Not only will the kuhli loaches, but all the other fish will benefit from places to hide :).

God Bless,
My khulies all currently live inside the holes of my (think its lava) rock. Its amazing to see them wriggle up to a hole you can barely see and just vanish. Before I bought this rock which they love they used to live inside various coconuts. I would reccomend you get some of these, just break a coconut in half take out the inside and drill a few holes in it, it makes a perfect cave. Congratulations on getting khulies mine arent out too often since they got their rock but they remain one of my very favourite fish.

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