What are you doing today?

I use my right foot for that, and it's the left one which hurts. Maybe that's what triggered the neuroma in my right foot when I first became a mod so I had to learn how to do it without causing pain :huh:
I use my right foot for that, and it's the left one which hurts. Maybe that's what triggered the neuroma in my right foot when I first became a mod so I had to learn how to do it without causing pain :huh:
When you overuse one extremity, the other tends to get injured because it has to compensate. Your left foot probably has a stress fracture from holding you up when you kick spammers with the right.
Today I'm working on finalizing the leveling of the new tanks support. And while I'm an accomplished windows computer physician.

Every time my brain struggles with the "lift the tank to lower water level" and the "Screw in the support to lower the tank" thing.

But some brands of "screw in adjustable support" had the genius idea to invert these... To make sure everyone is equally messed up with, probably.

Now that I have proof of both existing... I feel a lot better.
My daughter bought me a beautiful, squirrel stopping bird feeder at christmas. It does stop grey squirrels, and if the lighter bodied red squirrels figure it out, that's fine by me. I don't like attracting the small native squirrels as there are too many predators out there (I've seen weasels and the neighbours have outdoor cats), but they come feeder or not.
I thought a raccoon was climbing the pole and knocking it down, so I moved to where no raccoon could get it. It still got got last night, and emptied. I was trying to figure it out when I saw a very tall deer approaching it with total confidence. The deer seems to have figured out the spring mechanism, and learned how to empty it out. His 5 friends formed a half circle behind him, til he obviously told them it was empty and they'd have to wait for the bountiful but stupid ape to refill it.
It looks like time for plan D, to make it harder for deer and raccoons. I hope we don't have any sasquatches.

It's clearly been a long lean winter and the locals are acting hungry. That said, these are the pudgiest deer I've ever encountered. Granola hippy deer.
As for me, yesterday one of my first grade students told me I was cute. When ya got it, ya got it. :cool:

If the kid shows up tomorrow with coke bottle glasses on, you'll be crushed.

Or, if you discover that kid has a tank full of only pond snails and duckweed, by choice.
Those are the worst kind to have around. They tend to be tasty, though.

As for me, yesterday one of my first grade students told me I was cute. When ya got it, ya got it. :cool:
When I was 21 years old, I became a substitute teacher to earn money to go to medical school. I was assigned classrooms in my old high school. My assignment was to teach chemistry and physics to juniors and seniors. Now, if a pretty young woman in my class told me I was cute, there would be trouble in paradise.😎
My daughter bought me a beautiful, squirrel stopping bird feeder at christmas. It does stop grey squirrels, and if the lighter bodied red squirrels figure it out, that's fine by me. I don't like attracting the small native squirrels as there are too many predators out there (I've seen weasels and the neighbours have outdoor cats), but they come feeder or not.
I thought a raccoon was climbing the pole and knocking it down, so I moved to where no raccoon could get it. It still got got last night, and emptied. I was trying to figure it out when I saw a very tall deer approaching it with total confidence. The deer seems to have figured out the spring mechanism, and learned how to empty it out. His 5 friends formed a half circle behind him, til he obviously told them it was empty and they'd have to wait for the bountiful but stupid ape to refill it.
It looks like time for plan D, to make it harder for deer and raccoons. I hope we don't have any sasquatches.

It's clearly been a long lean winter and the locals are acting hungry. That said, these are the pudgiest deer I've ever encountered. Granola hippy deer.
This reminds me of last summer. I couldn't figure out what was eating my sunflowers. It was eating the developing flower heads and the leaves right down to the stem. 3 feet off the ground. Then I figured it out. Deer.


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When I was 21 years old, I became a substitute teacher to earn money to go to medical school. I was assigned classrooms in my old high school. My assignment was to teach chemistry and physics to juniors and seniors. Now, if a pretty young woman in my class told me I was cute, there would be trouble in paradise.😎
Yes, I remember when I was 25, fresh out of college, single, relatively fit. Crushes did happen, and like most young teachers I had to be very careful not to encourage or even tolerate them. Somehow, now that I'm in my 50s, it never seems to happen anymore. 'Tis one of life's little mysteries. ????
The other thing i did is i went searching for my green neon tetra:

guess they all died - better double check:

guess there are 25 of them maybe i should stop buying them...
Took Linda to the Doc today ... Good news she can do light duty. No more cooking for me! The bad news she needs a shoulder joint replacement. Surgery will be scheduled for late April or early May.
A lady in my apartments is getting a shoulder replacement. From what I understand the rehab sucks but the end result is worth it.

Several years ago the Veteran's Admin. wanted to replace my right knee. I didn't like the idea so decided to try just adding strength to the leg. Bought a bicycle and rode all summer. At first I could not go far but, by the end of the summer, I was doing 10 miles without any pain. Nowhere near the 40-50 miles I used to do when a lot younger 3-4 times a week but not bad for an old fart in his early mid 60's. After another exam it was decided that I no longer needed a knee replacement. I'm now 70 and the knee is still doing well. Every now and then the knee will bother me a bit but nothing that over the counter Naproxen doesn't handle.
We got anti-snow last night. We were supposed to get 4 cm of snow, but it stayed warm and it rained all night. So now, the snow on the lot of down to 2 tiny patches. I want to get out there and garden. The ground is even thawed.

But, alas, it's too early.

I bought an ailing spider plant, and have coaxed it back to looking great with the pot in an old fishless tank. Today, I can divide it into 4 plants and remove the soil from its roots. It's going roots into working tanks, to see how it does. That'll be my main fish related activity of the day. I'll tend to the lettuce growing in the fishroom, and look for killifish eggs from a couple of species who have been getting royal diets.

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