The shoulder replacement is not unexpected and probably long overdue. The fall made it worse and as the back pain subsided enough for her to begin doing some small things the fact the shoulder issue had worsened because of the fall became more apparent.
Linda had a rotor cuff repaired more than 20 years ago. It was pretty severe and they used some tissue from her thigh to mend it. At the time she was told that is the best they could do and it would not last. She has had somewhat limited use of the arm ever since. Now she needs to heat the shoulder up and use her left arm to help lift it. When she told me this, I began to wash her hair for her and immediately made arrangements for an MRI. That was added to the back MRI order. It showed very severe and irreparable damage short of a brand-new unit.
Anyway, she was told she would begin to have use of it within 10 days after surgery and it should mend well. The 10-day part is, in my mind, pretty optimistic but she is a tough old hen so without a doubt the recovery will be as quick as possible.
At any rate, as I said, the shoulder issue has needed attention for several years and soon instead of a grin and bear it situation she will have a grin.
Today I will begin re-opening the pond. I left the WF pump running all winter and it needs cleaning. There are too many fish in the pond so a partial drain will soon take place and a wading I will go with my big scoop net. Never thought I would use a King Salmon size net for minnows. Linda and I will go fish up a couple of Sunfish in a couple of weeks to add to the pond. They should take care of this year's fry issue. Will remove them in late summer early fall. The fountains can go in this weekend and bog plants can be trimmed back. The pond house acrylic window panels will come down for cleaning and storage.
Busy Saturday with nice weather, Sunday is going to be chilly so not sure I will finish the list.
Linda had a rotor cuff repaired more than 20 years ago. It was pretty severe and they used some tissue from her thigh to mend it. At the time she was told that is the best they could do and it would not last. She has had somewhat limited use of the arm ever since. Now she needs to heat the shoulder up and use her left arm to help lift it. When she told me this, I began to wash her hair for her and immediately made arrangements for an MRI. That was added to the back MRI order. It showed very severe and irreparable damage short of a brand-new unit.
Anyway, she was told she would begin to have use of it within 10 days after surgery and it should mend well. The 10-day part is, in my mind, pretty optimistic but she is a tough old hen so without a doubt the recovery will be as quick as possible.
At any rate, as I said, the shoulder issue has needed attention for several years and soon instead of a grin and bear it situation she will have a grin.
Today I will begin re-opening the pond. I left the WF pump running all winter and it needs cleaning. There are too many fish in the pond so a partial drain will soon take place and a wading I will go with my big scoop net. Never thought I would use a King Salmon size net for minnows. Linda and I will go fish up a couple of Sunfish in a couple of weeks to add to the pond. They should take care of this year's fry issue. Will remove them in late summer early fall. The fountains can go in this weekend and bog plants can be trimmed back. The pond house acrylic window panels will come down for cleaning and storage.
Busy Saturday with nice weather, Sunday is going to be chilly so not sure I will finish the list.