I had a long drive through countless pine trees yesterday, and I was tired. I time traveled and put a line of loud 70s punk on - UK Subs, the Ruts and the Au Pairs, very very loud. I'm sure that in my wake, I left behind a string of moose mosh pits. I'll bet the groundhogs were doing the pogo.
My car is too noisy and my car sound system too limited for me to be inspired by
@gwand's musical offerings. I can't properly hear baroque music when I'm tearing down a highway.
I'm giving a talk at the local aquarium club this evening. It's a rerun - a talk I have given before. I pulled it out and brushed it up a short time back because I was supposed to do it at a couple of clubs in the US, but I canceled those trips, and decided I should make it a local presentation. It'll be interesting - the local aquarists are great people but with the scarcity of interesting fish in the stores, they haven't seen a lot of the creatures in the talk.
I don't live in a fish hobby hotspot.
I practiced a new angle by talking to the bag of fish I'd bought (they were sitting in the passenger seat) to try to make it more about fish collecting rather than the fish collected. We shall see.
Even in fish talks, it's the survival of the fittest, with the fittest being, as Darwin thought, the one most capable of adapting to new situations and challenges. I hope I can adapt and make this interesting and useful.