What are you doing today?

The Metropolitan Opera House in Manhattan is live streaming Beethoven’ opera, Fidelio to local movies theaters nationwide today. The libretto involves the protagonist, a political prisoner held in a Spanish prison. His wife dresses as a man and sets out to convince the cruel governor to free her husband. The governor’s daughter, thinking Fidelio is a man, falls in love with her. Much scheming and intrigue follows. But it is an opera that ends happy. The power of women is once more demonstrated.
I needed to perform water changes before going to the opera at 1 pm. The python came out and I exchanged 25 gallons of water while listening to The Art of Fugue by J.S.Bach. Very relaxing.
Springtime in the Rockies. 🥳
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Snow in spring = fat elk in the fall. And fewer forest fires in the summer.

We got about a foot and a half of snow yesterday, and today it's almost gone, with sunshine and temps in the 40s. Also springtime in the Rockies.
Another little step done in my 5 gallons tank setup.

Electricity in installed, completed fixing the canopy and gave it a try. Also setup the filter ready to go, after cleaning the tank

I had a long drive through countless pine trees yesterday, and I was tired. I time traveled and put a line of loud 70s punk on - UK Subs, the Ruts and the Au Pairs, very very loud. I'm sure that in my wake, I left behind a string of moose mosh pits. I'll bet the groundhogs were doing the pogo.

My car is too noisy and my car sound system too limited for me to be inspired by @gwand's musical offerings. I can't properly hear baroque music when I'm tearing down a highway.

I'm giving a talk at the local aquarium club this evening. It's a rerun - a talk I have given before. I pulled it out and brushed it up a short time back because I was supposed to do it at a couple of clubs in the US, but I canceled those trips, and decided I should make it a local presentation. It'll be interesting - the local aquarists are great people but with the scarcity of interesting fish in the stores, they haven't seen a lot of the creatures in the talk.
I don't live in a fish hobby hotspot.
I practiced a new angle by talking to the bag of fish I'd bought (they were sitting in the passenger seat) to try to make it more about fish collecting rather than the fish collected. We shall see.
Even in fish talks, it's the survival of the fittest, with the fittest being, as Darwin thought, the one most capable of adapting to new situations and challenges. I hope I can adapt and make this interesting and useful.
I posted “free gold sailfin Molly fry” on a local fish club website. Two people were interested in taking several each. I’m meeting them for the handoff at noon today.
Back in my day, we'd engineer the handoff by standing reading a newspaper with eyeholes cut in it. It's just not as fun with phones.
For the handoff I told them I will be the decrepit old man with a white beard and shabby shoes holding two bags of fry standing in front of Trader Joe’s.
Very cool. Will it be a nursery tank? I ask this because the filter seems to be very capable.

It's for a shrimp breeding project. I have a Fluval Q2 to make sure that it's not under-powered.

The filter is good up to 50 gallons and the air pump is adjustable up to 150. So it's close to my normal 10X desired turnover. But that always lowers when the sponges get used.

I hope it's going to be the only filter I have in this tank, that's why I chose a filter with 2 sponges so I can alternate maintenance between them with minimal impact.

Everything is installed, I'm going to fill it up later today when my RO/DI finishes it's batch.
I posted “free gold sailfin Molly fry” on a local fish club website. Two people were interested in taking several each. I’m meeting them for the handoff at noon today.
Well one person showed and graciously took her bag of fry. The other person was a no-show. The jerk. I returned his bag of fry back into the tank.
Well one person showed and graciously took her bag of fry. The other person was a no-show. The jerk. I returned his bag of fry back into the tank.
After years of selling and trading fish, you are on track for the norm. There are a lot of fantasy fish seekers in the hobby, and a 50% show up rate for free fish is what you get. The number of people who have wasted my time, right up to the point when I had arranged shipping details and was waiting for payment...
It's like they want to be able to say they could have gotten the fish, if only whatever.
Replaced the negative battery terminal on the truck. It was so corroded and rusted that it couldnt be tightened properly. Next month I plan on rebuilding the front suspension.
Just got back from the low land. Built a berm down there to hold the brook back when it decided to increase its space. The Snook Kill is absolutely roaring, and I was pessimistic. We have had two feet of snow disappear on the mountain and last night was a monsoon for several hours.

Took the tractor with front loader and back blade attached with the idea I would need to do some on the fly repairs. Was very pleasantly surprised to see the berm is holding out. The Kill remains in its stream bed although it is about two feet above my unofficial flood zone. The berm is still a bit above the water level. As I type another deluge has begun.

I am thinking some landholder further downstream is now having a flood condition where one may not have happened before. When the weather clears, I guess I will visit some downstream neighbors to see how they are faring. This is a problem I had not thought about when building the berms.

Earlier today I readjusted my water change schedule to accommodate the 90 better. Tanks with fry (2) will be on a three-day cycle at 30%, the 90 on a five-day cycle at 40% and the rest a 4-day cycle at 30%. Gravel cleaning every third water change. Will see how it goes.

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