What are you doing today?

offer the seller 20% off on a repeat order of the same number of plants....you make more $$ and if it wasn't a scam, the buyer will be pleased and use you in the future
offer the seller 20% off on a repeat order of the same number of plants....you make more $$ and if it wasn't a scam, the buyer will be pleased and use you in the future
I ended up giving them $5 dollars off their next order. Their order was $15, so thats around 33%. I still make money, and if they were telling the truth, then maybe they will be happy.
I had to reply because they opened a help request after sending the message. I am required to reply to those.
Baby chick from batch #2. Way too small to go in with batch #1. Setting my bunny's indoor hutch up as a second brooder


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Baby chick from batch #2. Way too small to go in with batch #1. Setting my bunny's indoor hutch up as a second brooder
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always amazed me how large the feet are on newborn chicks. it's been at least 70 years since we hatched any eggs inside the house in a round wash tub and a 100watt lightbulb. can't even remember what kind they were.
mine are several varieties of chickens. who knows, eggs from mixed flocks. my lavender americaunas aren't laying anymore.
mine are several varieties of chickens. who knows, eggs from mixed flocks. my lavender americaunas aren't laying anymore.
back when I was a kid we only saw 3 types of chickens. Rhode Island reds, Dominique and white leghorns. now when we go to Rural King they have chicks with names I never heard of. guess everything changes over time. bet they all taste the same in lard.
I'm all snowed in. I don't have to go out to work, but it still feels like a holiday. It's snowing hard and the wind is rising as the temperature falls, so pretty soon the snow will be rising up in the wind even as it keeps falling. We'll have whiteouts by lunchtime. It's already starting to turn into a temporary Sahara, with the drifts playing the role of sand dunes.

Our little fish club elected its first executive last night, to provide some structure to spread the work around. We started as 2 people, then began to average 10, and last night had 25. People like posting what they got at the auctions, and that has created a Facebook word of mouth. We're going to need a larger venue.

A local cafe donates a couple of dozen donuts and a jug of coffee for every meeting, and there are a few community groups and businesses networking with us. It's fun to see it come together. Before this group, the local scene was like this forum - we read each other but never met. Now, I notice people talking about visiting each other to look at the fish, people doing group buys on stuff they need and aquarists from nearby towns getting jealous.

We are a bit out of the mainstream as a place, and the local stores pay a premium for shipping fish in. A lot of the younger aquarists have been discussing a fish breeding co-op, where we would breed regular numbers of popular fish as a sideline, getting paid the wholesale price the warehouses charge, but with no shipping. No one has illusions about the money. It would be very little. But it could help keep the local stores alive while growing the hobby by getting back to urban type prices. I thought it was wishful talk, but last night, I realized a few were setting up, and that I was going to have to start going out and doing basic teaching about set ups and achievable goals. They haven't bred fish and I'm not sure they realize the work, but I get a sense they don't care. They want to give it a shot. The owner of the best LFS is a young guy their age, and they all like him a lot. There's a community forming.
That is a really good thing. Local fish stores around here are all about the money, a couple of them bring fish straight in from southeast asia and sell without quarantining, I wiped out all my corydoras by trusting one (when I didn't have a quarantine tank available) and adding 3 corydoras from them. There is one LFS I will buy from. He doesn't pay a whole lot for fish but if I had a super breeding event I'd consider taking some there. If I still have surplus pond goldfish in March he said he'd buy some. I'm not expecting much despite the fact that fish are large and beautiful
That is a really good thing. Local fish stores around here are all about the money, a couple of them bring fish straight in from southeast asia and sell without quarantining, I wiped out all my corydoras by trusting one (when I didn't have a quarantine tank available) and adding 3 corydoras from them. There is one LFS I will buy from. He doesn't pay a whole lot for fish but if I had a super breeding event I'd consider taking some there. If I still have surplus pond goldfish in March he said he'd buy some. I'm not expecting much despite the fact that fish are large and beautiful
We only have one real 'fish store' in the city i live in which has over a million people; they receive the fishes in the morning and start selling them a couple of hours later. After a few issues i switched to using wetspot. Anyway the local store almost never had anything i wanted anyway as i mostly deal with less common species but whatever it still pisses me off they charge 2x and then don't bother to qt for at least a day much less 3 weeks.
I live in a large general fish area. It's hit or miss on whether they "buy" fish from hobbyists, but the newest 1 will for some species. I mentioned I have sewellia hillstream loaches breeding a few each year. He said he'd buy some. We didn't get to how much. I said they'd be very hard to catch them & I wasn't very interested in doing that. But maybe if I did a complete tank tear down...We left it there.

Back in the olden days we had easy breeding cichlids. LFS offered store credit for ~1/2 or less they could sell them for. That was fair, our fish bred every month...& then they wouldn't trade for our fish anymore. They still had juveniles from our previous spawns. We were breeders non grata within driving distance after a while. A big wake up call, be careful what you wish for!! It's fun to watch breeding...& then what to do all those survivors without trying to save any? Not so fun.
After a week with 3 ambulance calls and an ICU admission tonight I baked 8 dozen cookies and delivered them to the local fire station and hospital. I am so thankful for our emergency responders and front line medical workers.

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