What are you doing today?

Winter is merciless today . It started last Friday with an ice storm and three inches of new snow then sub zero temperatures and now the wind is piling up drifts everywhere . The wind might be a good thing . It might be signaling a change to something different . . . . or something worse .
my house normally drops to 63 at night, office got down to 57 last night with a space heater in it. North side of the house, when the wind is up, it's up. Living room with wood stove was 66 when I got up, back bedroom with the chicks about 70. My room room probably got to 64 but incubator has most of my little thermometers at the moment
The fish palace has dropped 2 degrees celsius, but is holding steady now at 20c. Even the dog doesn't want to go far now. She went on strike and refused to walk past the end of the driveway this morning. I think she's in a conspiracy with my cheekbones, which also don't appreciate the frostbite winds.

The snow is clean and bright, and it is lovely to look outside. I'm planning my vegetable garden and researching good native pollinator attracting plants and where I can put them. Always look on the bright side of life.

Summer will come.
This is global warming, wandering polar vortexes. The problem is mainly Texas construction. Central heat and air in Texas run the ductwork thru the attic, except for 2 story houses (which usually have it between floors). Because cold air drops and air conditioning is our major issue, attic ductwork makes sense for AC.. Warm air from the furnace does not drop, the cold wind chills the attic so when I run my central heat I am blowing money thru the attic and out the vents, but the house doesn't get much warmer. So I don't use central heat. I put magnetic sign material over the vents and heat down here where I live. But since I can't stand my room hot and space heaters are a major fire hazard, i don't heat my room, with its old wiring, with a space heater. i do heat the office and back bedroom that have all new wiring.
Typical Wednesday morning except the temperature was -12C or 10F. We brought warm meals to the needy in the inner city. This weekly activity doesn’t compensate for all my sins but it helps. Then I performed water changes on a 10 gallon and three 5 gallon tanks. The ten gallon tank temperature varies with the room temperature since it does not have a heater. Room temperature is 68F in fish room today and 70 F in the ten gallon tank. The Tanichthys albonubes are quite comfortable at this temperature. Two of the 5 gallon tanks have fry coming to age. In one tank there are golden sailfin Molly fry and in the other tank there are Apistogramma cacatuoides fry. The last 5 gallon tank has two African dwarf frogs.

I complete water changes on the 60, 30 and 20 gallon tanks on the weekend. The 60 gallon west African tank now has two sets of Anomalochromis thomasi fry, one group born Christmas Day and the other group born yesterday.
Spend some time at an lfs of a friend of mine. Also picked up some fish which I’ve ordered.
Otherwise known as a 20 gallon high.
Definitely high - so far i've resisted stacking my aquariums and i think i will continue to do so. Of course stacking is more efficient use of space. I need to find some nice mobiles or similar to take advantage of my extra space or maybe run a net of air tubes 6 feet high ;)
I’m sitting in my fish room lights turned low seeping cognac and listening to the Goldberg Variations prior to dinner. I’m close to my west African tank and can see the fry born on Christmas Day and the little specs of fry born yesterday. Sometimes and only sometimes life seems perfect.
It snowed here Tuesday. "Here" is a relative word. It snowed close to here is the more accurate term. I was disappointed. We got some snow last week, but I was hoping for more. Everything shuts down with half an inch and 2 inches is a dadgum blizzard. We had 2 inches last week. I was too lazy to go make a snowman. I was hoping I'd get another chance, but alas, it was not to be.

So, today I drug my butt to the office- the other interesting thing was that the snow covered the East and South part of the city but the West and North are completely dry. I live NW and my office is N, so dangit, I didn't even have an excuse. I only go in 3 days a week, though, so cry me a river, right?

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