I was moving a pair of Parananochromis from a growout to a new breeding tank this morning, when the female launched herself out of the net, onto the cement floor. From my height, that was a fair drop, and when I picked her up, she was limp and not breathing.
I got her into the water and did fish cpr (you hold them, and move them backwards so the water movement opens and closes the gills). After a few sequences, she began to breathe weakly. I left her submerged in the net, and put one of those breeder boxes with air driven flow onto the tank. She went into it, and rolled about, upside down more often than not, for about 20 minutes. Then she recovered her equilibrium. I gave her about an hour, then moved her to the attached 20 gallon.
I don't know if I have a brain damaged fish ... she is more trusting than she has been in her life. She's swimming around like everything in the world is new and wonderful, even the grouchy male. They are F-1 youngsters really, unlikely to get into breeding mode for a week or two. It's normally a cautious little dwarf Cichlid, prone to using cover and shadows all the time. She's out there in the bright open water, acting like she should have a big goofy smile on her face.
Her swimming's good, and motor control seems to be back. Let's see how this works itself out.