Relaxing in the back yard enjoying a perfect, peaceful autumn day. I’m listening to Handel’s opera, Rinaldo. Cecilia Bartoli just sang Lascia ch’io pianga like an angel.
That’s a drag .So mad rn—that cool lucky-find male Limia I scored a while back just up and died today! No idea on the cause, just found it dead in the middle of the tank. I’d say water quality, but the tiny Platy fry are still alive, and surely they’re more fragile than the second-biggest fish in the tank?
I bought a windows 11 but I do not let my Win 10 upgrade. Best of both worlds. Good on the no pet depositOther than that I'm working on bring my main computer back to life. The thing died yesterday when doing a Windows Update for Windows 11. This is not the fault of Microsoft as the system does not meet the requirements for the CPU and during the upgrade to Windows 11 I did from Windows 10 a warning was put up that the upgrade very well could future issues. I'll end up re-installing Windows 10 and all will be fine but I need to reconfigure what will be the system drive first. Obviously, since I'm posting this, it isn't really a big deal. Sometimes it is nice to have a bunch of computers.The biggest pain is doing all the software installs that I will lose but that will be largely a case of doing an install when I need the software, not gonna do them all at once.
Sometimes you do things right and fish just die. It's a bummer.So mad rn—that cool lucky-find male Limia I scored a while back just up and died today! No idea on the cause, just found it dead in the middle of the tank. I’d say water quality, but the tiny Platy fry are still alive, and surely they’re more fragile than the second-biggest fish in the tank?
Don’t forget the salt and pepper .I'm starting to pack up for the weekend's elk hunt.