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I like Tatiana. it was my favorite cologne before I started keeping bees and gave up cologne.
The girls got a Russian Blue cat from a shelter last weekend, so we've been trying to think of a Russian name for her. She's very silver and has a very serious, thoughtful looking face with bright yellow-green eyes; she looks just a bit other-worldly. (Russian Blues normally have weird faces)

I really wanted to name her either Dmitri, Vladimir, or Ivan Drago, but they think she needs a girl name. Honestly, I just call her "Cat," and I don't think the cat cares as long as she gets food, a warm human to lie upon, and a scratch on the ears once in a while. But ladies set store by such things. We tried Villa, the name of a forest spirit in Finno-Russian fairy tales, but that just didn't sing for the girls (even though the cat answered to it as much as to anything)

Current leading contender is Tatiana, which is fun to say and means "fairy queen" according to the "name your baby" websites. What do you think?

(Here's a terrible picture but it's the best I can do. She's being uncooperative. She's a cat.)
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кошка -- Formal word in Russian for cat.

Here is a list of over 100 female cat names in Russian.
@WhistlingBadger It’s not Russian Blue it’s Rushing Blue . They’re fast on their feet catching mice . Name that cat Zippy .
I don't know as I'm not a cat person but here are a bunch of Russian Blue cat photos. Some look a lot like Badger's beastie.

I don't know as I'm not a cat person but here are a bunch of Russian Blue cat photos. Some look a lot like Badger's beastie.

I was just wisecracking to get a rise out of him . He better not have any Ukrainian mice around there .
I always take a long time to find a name for my cats... This is the name that goes on the birth certificate. Then...

Day-to-day... I end up calling them "Furface" "Fuzzbutt" "Teenybone" "Broomhair" "Rugbrush" "cheeseball" "Flatnose" "Oldrag" "Chippot" "Fripmat" or something like that.

And you can play forever with these nicks depending on mood. Ex: "Furmat" "Flatface" "cheesepot" "Fuzzbrush" "Friprag" "Chipbone" "Oldmat"

I'm lucky cats dont understand :) loll. But whaterver I call them they know who I'm talking about.
I always take a long time to find a name for my cats... This is the name that goes on the birth certificate. Then...

Day-to-day... I end up calling them "Furface" "Fuzzbutt" "Teenybone" "Broomhair" "Rugbrush" "cheeseball" "Flatnose" "Oldrag" "Chippot" "Fripmat" or something like that.

And you can play forever with these nicks depending on mood. Ex: "Furmat" "Flatface" "cheesepot" "Fuzzbrush" "Friprag" "Chipbone" "Oldmat"

I'm lucky cats dont understand :) loll. But whaterver I call them they know who I'm talking about.
I end up calling them all "Cat," and they don't seem to care a bit. But like I said, these things are important to the ladies in my family.
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Cuchulain was named Cupcake when I rescued him from my neighbor throwing him out, first time I saw him swat the biggest shepherd I ever fostered, he got renamed, he is much more a Celtic Warrior God than a baked good. Jackson is named for the family that let me know he needed trapped and rescued before he became coyote dinner, Obsidian for a stone as I had just taken a cabochon class and worked with Obsidian, and Whiskers because I let my granddaughter name him and he has white whiskers....
Don't know if that is helpful.

My Clown Pleco lived. Water changes shall be 25% for the foreseeable future. Tired of losing fish. My truck is fixed, I watered everything, fed all critters, ran a bid, and am hiding out in the AC
going to put a pond pump on and maybe cleaning out the chicken run. Lifting some plants. it isn't quite as hot today and it was very nice this morning early
I went to a fish store that I didn’t know existed until today called House of Tropicals. It is 30 minutes from my house. The store has about 150 tanks, maybe more. Fantastic place. They had 30 tanks filled with various African cichlids, mostly from East Africa. Unfortunately I am looking for West African and Congolese cichlids. They were sparse in that department.
Today I primed my cars hood.
we ended our involvement with the customer that took the pondless waterfall apart for us to rebuild. It could take months to finish as he is constantly changing things so I think he will have to do that himself. We did build a gorgeous perfectly level waterfall yesterday. The rest of his plans are going to leak and he will have to figure that out
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