Laundry and finding a vet for my dog
The deer and the antelope play there. The kids, not so much.You guys start school early. Here in NJ kids don't go back till after labor day.
Yes the black and white striped fish is a Mesonauta mirificus (I have 7 around 3 years old).@anewbie Are those Festivum in there ? Sorta kinda looks like them to me but I’m not sure .
Personally i'd fill the hex 1/2 ways plant some nice species that will grow emersed out of the tank; and add a few small critters for the bottom layer. Of course i don't own a hex, i'm not you and well it is easy to say what i would do even if i would never actually do it.I didn't sell my hex tank. While Cici is in surgery today I have to move fish out of my 55 to make room for the older fish from my customer's 100 gallon tank, and i was debating on putting my clown pleco in the hex. I think he is going in the 29 instead so I can keep an eye on him, and the shrimp can go there too. All my hex has in it right now, 38 gallons, are a giant anubias and 10 of my ugliest guppies. The tank because it is vertical has low oxygen. Dojos need more oxygen than it provides I now. What is interesting and fairly large that can go on an undergravel filter and a slightly low oxygen tank? (distracting myself from dog surgery)
Here is a picture of a couple of them showing the full fish - they can be moody but today they are just chilling. The dark fish near the top is a young piece of chocolate; the angel on the right is at the other end of the tank so approx 9 feet from the m. mirifcus; and the tank you see past the angelfish is a 29 where my winkie can be found (2nd picture):Yes the black and white striped fish is a Mesonauta mirificus (I have 7 around 3 years old).