What are you doing today?

I pay $85 a month for internet, but I haven't had Dish or cable tv since 2017. I do have Hulu and paramount
We couldn’t have sky when we moved home to Scotland as it was a listed building and no where to put the dish up (although they did spend 30mins trying to get me to put a pole on the pavement outside with the dish on top). Have to say I don’t miss it at all. We rarely watch terrestrial tv and if there is something we hear about then we can catch it up at a later point. More of a film household. Although we are a little addicted to Taskmaster at the moment. Silly fun, can’t beat it.

I am mostly trying to get ready to chair an interview tomorrow for my masters research project. My imposter syndrome is kicking in big time. Think I might pop out for a cake and a cuppa in a bit once the lunchtime busy dies down… a bit of chill time in amongst the studying.

I joined a forum that was recommended to me (it shall remain nameless), and it seems to have gone into meltdown this last couple of days. No idea what the backstory is but a lot about donations of money not being recorded correctly. Just popped the corn and watching the crazy.
Don't spew coffee on keyboard, this is funny. going out to put another coat on back of sewing machine cabinet after I walk dogs quick.
I don't watch much TV. These days, the odd baseball game and the Euro tournament, but usually just ball games. In the winter, I barely turn it on. I could live without it easily, but my mother in law is an addict, so we keep it for her.
Someday, there will be a version of The Price is Right that has fish as the subject.

Today, while I get groceries, I'll rethink my 120 gallon. I don't like the decor, and need to change it. The set up seems to be steering the fish into one area, and the Corys are too secretive. It needs some sand added, and some changes in the planting. I'll probably wait til low tide and take a shoulder bag down to the beach, and see what the Atlantic has to offer by way of interesting rocks. Every storm replenishes the 'store' with the high tides of the Bay of Fundy to help. Imagine being a rock in a murky tidal bay, spending 10,000 years underwater, and popping up into the air only to end up in a big tetra tank. Such is life.

After a warm week, it's cool out there, and the fog is really thick. I can't even see the water, but the foghorns are sounding from all the ships on. That's the call to water change for me.
I enjoy watching sitcoms with my family and new movies when they come out, but other than that I’ve never really been a tv person. I don’t often turn it on just to watch by myself. The only movies I’ll compulsively turn on are Studio Ghibli movies. Love those, man.
I traveled to North Carolina to visit my grandkids for the week. This is the first time I have left my 20 g long with livebearers without food. Fingers crossed. I know my tank with White Cloud minnows and CPDs and my shrimp tank will be fine. They are experienced at me leaving them for 8 days. My tank with ADFs should weather the week well too. BTW. It is blazing hot down here. I think I will cook dinner on the side walk.
I’m even further south (NE Georgia) and our air conditioner has been out over the weekend. Not fun.
My central air contractor's son went in the hospital, so no central, office is 82, living room is 84 F. It will cool off eventually. I have a window unit in my room, portables in the office and living room. Meanwhile bunny is in the house, and there is a fan pointed at my chickens perch. I lose hens when night time temps don't drop. all ponds are running except the lotus pond and it just has mosquito fish, plus has shade. Need to put a sun sail over the koi pond.

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