What are you doing today?

As I've indicated in earlier posts I'm looking to get an electric trike and finally started looking for deals today. May have found the winner. Higher top speed than the others I've been looking at with a 50 mile range and ~$300.00 less expensive than the others. LOL! still not a speed demon but a 20MPH top speed while the other 2 I've been considering are 14&16 MPH. Really he furthest that I travel is a bit over 5 miles to the local Veteran's Administration. That would be just over a 15 minute ride. Looks like a winner and I may order July 3rd when my Social Security and Navy pension hit my bank. I could order right now but it would pretty much wipe out my what I call 'slush fund' for larger purchases and there is only an 8 difference.

now you need to buy an old style triycle bell

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Well, that's all well and good, but I fear you failed to take the main thing into consideration: Do chicks dig it???
Actually............ With the Harley stickers................... How could a 'chic' not like???

now you need to buy an old style bicycle bell

I hear ya but the thing already comes with a horn so I guess that is covered.
I paid the young man that took the weight off the perimeter of my giant elm tree, got truck aligned to find out the shop that messed up in 2020 on enginework also messed up my rack and pinion, and water changes on all the larger tank. Haven't done the 55 yet, but I am about to. They are about 3 months past due, and I did find the skull from my 12 year old albino BN, but my hot office and/or the plugged in heater may have caused his demise. I hadn't seen him in about 3 days. Not feeling like feeding the guppies just now
The last time I had a tricycle, it was not a chick magnet, and I didn't really care. When I started caring, even my gold mustang bike with its banana seat didn't do it. It just seemed like the chicks were too smart to be impressed by stuff like that.

I keep wanting to take my old fashioned, leg powered bicycle out for a ride, but I live surrounded by hills. It's a catch 22. The bike could help me get into shape, but I would need to be in better shape to handle the hills. They're steep. I'm lazy. I know, I have to push it.
Today I am framing the roof on the building overlooking the pond. It was originally to be a gazebo, but cost and effort reduced it to a screened in building. It is much less work to build a simple Skillion roof, fancy name for modified low slope shed roof. I have decided that function supersedes cosmetics in this case. When framing the walls I came to the realization, again, that my old body cannot easily keep up with my imagination.

Linda tried to count goldfish fry in the pond while I was at the doctor yesterday. She could not get a good count because there were just too many. She said perhaps 50 and maybe more. Today she will begin netting some for removal to another much larger pond down the road that has golds and koi.

Someone should invent fish contraception!!!
I took care of a school pond for years, and when we started removing goldfish because of overpopulation, we discovered how many goldfish aren't gold, and are really hard to see to count. The natural coloured coppery green ones are well camouflaged, and we had hundreds of them.

Goldfish and guppy contraception would pay off. A lot of people put a predator in. I'm told one sunfish doesn't bother the adult goldies but eliminates all the young they produce in the Spring. It depends on the size of the pond.
Allstate comes in an hour. I need a roof, I hope they find hail damage because either way I seem to have new water spots on several ceilings.
All he needs is a baseball card and a clothespin, to put in the spokes. We thought it made our bikes sound like Harleys.

A beanie might lead to a lift off, and we need our @jaylach here, not on the moon.

I've never seen a beanie on someone's head. I've seen them in cartoons, and in photos, but never have I seen a person wearing one.
How are the suspensions on those trikes? I imagine you could get jolted around pretty well on a city street at that speed.
Here is the suspension. These things are pretty stout. ;) Add the hydraulic disk brakes and these things really are not toys. ;)

I took care of a school pond for years, and when we started removing goldfish because of overpopulation, we discovered how many goldfish aren't gold, and are really hard to see to count. The natural coloured coppery green ones are well camouflaged, and we had hundreds of them.

Goldfish and guppy contraception would pay off. A lot of people put a predator in. I'm told one sunfish doesn't bother the adult goldies but eliminates all the young they produce in the Spring. It depends on the size of the pond.
Yes we noticed the Color. Linda kept telling me they could not be golds. I pointed out we have a black male in the pond. Interesting to know though the color is not necessarily from him.

She netted about 20 of the larger ones. They now live in the pond down the road. Will pull them as they grow large enough to have a prayer of not being a snack, or at least Linda pretends.

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