I sold my bees today.

Last flooding event, my underground sump pump had died (it was about 6 years old). I've replaced it, about to be drought again unless we get significant rain next week, so it may not matter. And new owner can get flood insurance cheap, plus I already fixed the foundation.

Bees have been picked up and in a new location with more forage and a good keeper.

I appear to be going to live, my platelets went up by 50% in a 2 week period, from 12K to 18K, nurse came out and said what are you doing different. I said B12. It's working, taking some methyl folate too, might be helping, both are water soluble so you really can't get too much. 182K would be better. But 18K is better than nosebleeds at 10K. I have restarted taking a small amount of turmeric paste, strictly against all advice, I have arthritis and am allergic to nsaids. Turmeric doesn't lower platelet count but can make them less sticky. I get a nosebleed or bruise I'll know, but my hands and arms need relief
Last flooding event, my underground sump pump had died (it was about 6 years old). I've replaced it, about to be drought again unless we get significant rain next week, so it may not matter. And new owner can get flood insurance cheap, plus I already fixed the foundation.

Sounds as though you've done all you can (it's wild that you apparently can't sue now, and they got away with it!!! Grrr, hate that for you!) but still admiring your strength and grit!
Bees have been picked up and in a new location with more forage and a good keeper.

I'm still so sorry you had to give up your bees. But at least you know they're with a good person, in a good place.
I appear to be going to live, my platelets went up by 50% in a 2 week period, from 12K to 18K, nurse came out and said what are you doing different. I said B12. It's working, taking some methyl folate too, might be helping, both are water soluble so you really can't get too much. 182K would be better. But 18K is better than nosebleeds at 10K. I have restarted taking a small amount of turmeric paste, strictly against all advice, I have arthritis and am allergic to nsaids. Turmeric doesn't lower platelet count but can make them less sticky. I get a nosebleed or bruise I'll know, but my hands and arms need relief


I'm so happy to hear this!! Such good news, at last! Hope you're feeling better as a result :D❤️
Last flooding event, my underground sump pump had died (it was about 6 years old). I've replaced it, about to be drought again unless we get significant rain next week, so it may not matter. And new owner can get flood insurance cheap, plus I already fixed the foundation.

Bees have been picked up and in a new location with more forage and a good keeper.

I appear to be going to live, my platelets went up by 50% in a 2 week period, from 12K to 18K, nurse came out and said what are you doing different. I said B12. It's working, taking some methyl folate too, might be helping, both are water soluble so you really can't get too much. 182K would be better. But 18K is better than nosebleeds at 10K. I have restarted taking a small amount of turmeric paste, strictly against all advice, I have arthritis and am allergic to nsaids. Turmeric doesn't lower platelet count but can make them less sticky. I get a nosebleed or bruise I'll know, but my hands and arms need relief
Do you ingest the turmeric paste were rubbing on your joints?
Sorry to hear about the ITP. The condition can usually be managed without affecting your lifestyle all too much. I hope this is true for you. Good luck on re-organizing yourself.
there is an article on the NIH site that says a B12 deficiency can cause. Meds didn't work til I started B12. I have a faulty Mthfr gene that affects my ability to absorb B12, I have to take in a lot to get a little is how my dr described it. i changed vitamins around 2018, bet I've been dropping since
Do you ingest the turmeric paste were rubbing on your joints?
ingest. I make it myself too, and I don't take large doses but with the ITP they made me stop entirely. Until my platelets jumped per monday's blood test I stayed off it. I'm not taking what I was, but the pain was getting to be too much.
ingest. I make it myself too, and I don't take large doses but with the ITP they made me stop entirely. Until my platelets jumped per monday's blood test I stayed off it. I'm not taking what I was, but the pain was getting to be too much.

Is tumeric really that good for athrithis type pain, then?

My friend was suggesting it for my dog the other day, and I was wondering if it really could help with her arthritis, along with the vet meds
As a retired professor of medicine and a forum friend, I’d advise you not to take it until your platelets are 50,000 or greater.
As a retired professor of medicine and a forum friend, I’d advise you not to take it until your platelets are 50,000 or greater.
I promise you I've heard that advice all over. I will lay off, and keep up the B12 to try and triple my platelets this time. My left knee demands it soon Next blood draw 10 days. I'm also on Promacta, highest dose they give but it didn't do anything til I started B12
I'm up to 29K platelets as of yesterday, the key to the increase seems to be chicken livers for lunch on Sunday, combined with methyl B12 and methyl Folate supplements. I picked up some slow release iron yesterday to take, my doctor and I are going to have a parting of the ways after my visit Monday. Promacta is tearing my stomach up and without dietary supplements never increased a platelet count at all. I did research, they should have taken me off of it at 4 weeks when it didn't work. I started B12 and that did help, but I also had chicken livers for lunch that week, who knew? promacta can cause leukemia, it's not that safe.
Platelets made it to 40K on Monday 3/25. Chicken livers and beef liver partly responsible. Also added an iron supplement to my methyl folate and methyl B12
Is tumeric really that good for athrithis type pain, then?

My friend was suggesting it for my dog the other day, and I was wondering if it really could help with her arthritis, along with the vet meds
I make turmeric paste for my dogs and I. and now I can take it, platelets up to 56K without meds, due to the iron absorption from eating liver. I was anemic. Anyway, yes turmeric paste is excellent for arthritis. My long running arthritis in my left knee disappeared after taking it for 3 weeks. My dog with metastasized mast cell who looked like dying after surgery started bouncing around the house after a week. He lived 3 years on turmeric paste, benadryl and tagamet and bounced up and down anytime I touched his leash. He weighed 100 lbs. Pic 2 years after cancer surgery, he made it almost to his 10th birthday. Sorry this took so long, it's pond season, I've been working.


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