Last flooding event, my underground sump pump had died (it was about 6 years old). I've replaced it, about to be drought again unless we get significant rain next week, so it may not matter. And new owner can get flood insurance cheap, plus I already fixed the foundation.
Bees have been picked up and in a new location with more forage and a good keeper.
I appear to be going to live, my platelets went up by 50% in a 2 week period, from 12K to 18K, nurse came out and said what are you doing different. I said B12. It's working, taking some methyl folate too, might be helping, both are water soluble so you really can't get too much. 182K would be better. But 18K is better than nosebleeds at 10K. I have restarted taking a small amount of turmeric paste, strictly against all advice, I have arthritis and am allergic to nsaids. Turmeric doesn't lower platelet count but can make them less sticky. I get a nosebleed or bruise I'll know, but my hands and arms need relief
Last flooding event, my underground sump pump had died (it was about 6 years old). I've replaced it, about to be drought again unless we get significant rain next week, so it may not matter. And new owner can get flood insurance cheap, plus I already fixed the foundation.
Bees have been picked up and in a new location with more forage and a good keeper.
I appear to be going to live, my platelets went up by 50% in a 2 week period, from 12K to 18K, nurse came out and said what are you doing different. I said B12. It's working, taking some methyl folate too, might be helping, both are water soluble so you really can't get too much. 182K would be better. But 18K is better than nosebleeds at 10K. I have restarted taking a small amount of turmeric paste, strictly against all advice, I have arthritis and am allergic to nsaids. Turmeric doesn't lower platelet count but can make them less sticky. I get a nosebleed or bruise I'll know, but my hands and arms need relief