Need sponge filter advice

I've found the 'hard' bits of the filter, I threw the sponge away.

Sponge filter parts.jpg

1. Base
2. This is the part with the tiny holes that I found clogged easily.
3. The sponge sits around this part.
4. The airline attaches to this.

The part slots together with 1 at the bottom, then 2, 3 and 4 in that order. Part 3 has a narrow tube down the centre. Air from the pump goes down through 4, down the narrow tube inside 3, then through 2 into the base. From there it rises through the tiny holes in 2, through the outer part of 3, where it pulls water through the sponge, then air and water exit through the slots in 4.
I find that where the center tube snaps into the base is sometimes too tight, and that restricts air flow. Try not pushing it in all the way, and see if that helps.
Thanks everyone. Ever since I swapped sides, the flow didn't get any worse and stayed the same.

Next water change I'll wash its parts with a spare toothbrush to make sure nothing's clogged.

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