What are you doing today?

@Essjay There’s a definite learning curve to sewing . A lot of little tricks to learn and I mean A LOT ! Nothing difficult but this is precision work and not for people who like to take shortcuts . The bright side ? I’m having fun learning something new that repays me with things I can use around the house .
Anyone else have days when nothing goes right? This morning I made cushion cover #5. It took me twice as long as all the others as I kept making silly mistakes and having to unpick things and redo them. Then the bank statement arrived and cannot make their end balance agree with my book. Luckily they say there's more in there than I think we have........

The reason I keep my accounts in a book dates back 40-ish years when banks said you have to keep a balance of at least £100 or you pay bank charges. No internet banking/apps or even ATMs back then so I needed to make sure we didn't drop below £100, and I've kept on doing it ever since.
A bad day is when you sew the cushion onto your arm. You're doing better than I would.
I use online banking...all math is done automatically. No more stamps and envelopes. Beats having to balance a checkbook by hand. Don't use checks to pay at stores...use credit card for that.
I use online banking...all math is done automatically. No more stamps and envelopes. Beats having to balance a checkbook by hand. Don't use checks to pay at stores...use credit card for that.
Interesting . I guess you never watch the news . Hackers and computer pickpockets are running wild these days . Identity theft and that sort of thing ? I use checks almost all the time and I still balance my checkbook the old fashioned way . Online banking is too big a gamble for this little black duck .
I use online banking...all math is done automatically. No more stamps and envelopes. Beats having to balance a checkbook by hand. Don't use checks to pay at stores...use credit card for that.
I also do the same. I check my on-line pretty much at least once a day and use it as my record. The reason I view so often is in case of a fraudulent withdrawal. I learned this the hard way. When I lived in Florida one month my military pension got intercepted and stolen. Ya, the bank had a promise of replacing such fraud but when I reported it was like 5-6 days after it happened. The bank told me they could not replace the funds due to it not being reported within 72 hours of when it happened. This is one of the reasons I no longer use banks. I use credit unions now and have for many years. Take my current credit union... If a purchase is logged outside of my area, or is on their black list, they will actually call and email me a notice about it asking it it is legit. If I answer with a 'no' the transaction is blocked.

Still I check my account daily just to be sure something does not show up.

BTW, the other reason that I quit banks and went to credit unions was when I went to the same bank as above and they tried to charge me to apply my paycheck to my account which was at the same bank. LOL! They told me that if I deposited through their ATM there was no charge. Not working for me! I told them to close my account and give me a cashier's check which I took to a local credit union to open an account. I've never had an issue since. :)
Interesting . I guess you never watch the news . Hackers and computer pickpockets are running wild these days . Identity theft and that sort of thing ? I use checks almost all the time and I still balance my checkbook the old fashioned way . Online banking is too big a gamble for this little black duck .
And what about the person in line behind you that uses their cell phone to take a shot of your check while you are filling it out? They now have your account number and bank routing If you are not using using on-line banking to monitor, your account could then be wiped out long before you would know. The first that would show is when your checks started to bounce and then it is too late.

Using a debit card any purchase made at a place that is not on a white list or you have added to your personal safe list is automatically flagged and held for a minimum of three days to allow you time to cancel the hit. Of course this all depends on what your financial institution offers as to on-line banking but, in general, it is best to monitor your account on-line. Just relying on your written records is not enough as you, then, have no idea as to a bad hit on your account until you get a statement and then it is likely too late to recover what was lost.

Don't get me wrong! I have nothing against a person keeping a written record but also consider it necessary to monitor your account on-line.
I also do the same. I check my on-line pretty much at least once a day and use it as my record. The reason I view so often is in case of a fraudulent withdrawal. I learned this the hard way. When I lived in Florida one month my military pension got intercepted and stolen. Ya, the bank had a promise of replacing such fraud but when I reported it was like 5-6 days after it happened. The bank told me they could not replace the funds due to it not being reported within 72 hours of when it happened. This is one of the reasons I no longer use banks. I use credit unions now and have for many years. Take my current credit union... If a purchase is logged outside of my area, or is on their black list, they will actually call and email me a notice about it asking it it is legit. If I answer with a 'no' the transaction is blocked.

Still I check my account daily just to be sure something does not show up.

BTW, the other reason that I quit banks and went to credit unions was when I went to the same bank as above and they tried to charge me to apply my paycheck to my account which was at the same bank. LOL! They told me that if I deposited through their ATM there was no charge. Not working for me! I told them to close my account and give me a cashier's check which I took to a local credit union to open an account. I've never had an issue since. :)
I use my credit union for my checking account. I pay bills electronically. I use Capital One on line bank for savings. They are paying 4.35% interest.
My bank sends me an an email anytime an online payment is made so I can instantly contact the bank if I notice anything fishy or incorrect.
Congratulations @Lanpenn . What is the article?

@JuiceBox52 wow, hope you get connected with someone soon. We used to treat atlantoaxial subluxations in my last job (animals obs), very delicate surgery. As long as it was diagnosed quickly enough the animals were in quickly for treatment. I find it crazy that people with this condition have to wait so long for treatment when it is a condition that requires swift attention. Strangely enough, I treated someone with this condition last week, and know how debilitating it can be, they also had to wait for treatment. I hope the symptoms aren’t permanent and reverse once you access the care you so urgently need.
Thank you. This is the article. Speaking of, these damn crustaceans died again! Yesterday I put more cysts (and also today). Whenever a person asks me how to culture them, I would like to answer like this "I have been trying to find out this since 2012". This, despite I now using a sponge filter (the cyanobacteria are loving the sponge, indeed)...

After the last online meeting yesterday from my pre-incubation project, now I must sell my shrimp but... okay, I will have to wait for at least 2-3 weeks. Last year, these Artemia became a pest and there was no need to sell them. Now I need and they are not doing so well... Despite seeing several adult shrimps, I realized some with cyanobacteria (or other benthic algae?) stuck on some parts of the body and some with black spot disease, an old known thing for me, although uncommon in my "Term Paper Dynasty". I would love to have enough money to buy a decent microscope with an attached camera and catalog these things that I still did not see in any article I saw (the institution where I could take pictures is far and the road is dangerous). Well, if I get some job related to teaching (I entered an admission process to temporary Biology teachers and I still don't know when the results will be shown and, also, if I pass the test)... I can also think about this even in a (foreign) potential graduate program I could be accepted. I am writing a cold e-mail draft for a potential graduate advisor.

This was one of my cultures last year (without any aeration; just a heater with a thermostat for cold days):

Here you see how sophisticated the culture was:

I can think about doing laboratory analysis by searching for third-party labs... I don't know how much it would cost. Maybe I can find out something. Is there a microscope rent? I do not know...

I am searching and reading for more scientific articles involving brine shrimp.

I am trying to study English for TOEFL iBT with the TST Prep. Although it would not have been possible to study every day, the materials seem very decent for US$ 5.
I’m sitting here weirding out about what @jaylach said about thieves and their cell phone cameras and today we got a letter from a bank we don’t do business with saying somebody tried to open an account in SWMBO name and was it us and if not call . Then to make me freak out even more @GaryE posts in another thread about environmental and utility disasters that could kill my fish and right now I’m putting tin foil on all the windows and training my cat to attack .
I’m sitting here weirding out about what @jaylach said about thieves and their cell phone cameras and today we got a letter from a bank we don’t do business with saying somebody tried to open an account in SWMBO name and was it us and if not call . Then to make me freak out even more @GaryE posts in another thread about environmental and utility disasters that could kill my fish and right now I’m putting tin foil on all the windows and training my cat to attack .
First off, you need tinfoil barbs, not tinfoil. All birds work for the CIA, and spy on us. We're being watched by the deep tank, and cats are untrustworthy. Other than that, things are cool.
First off, you need tinfoil barbs, not tinfoil. All birds work for the CIA, and spy on us. We're being watched by the deep tank, and cats are untrustworthy. Other than that, things are cool.
I have heard that about the birds and while I think I can trust my cat he does have a sneaky look about him . I like Tinfoil Barbs but I need a bigger aquarium . So if things are cool , like you say , maybe I should just go get that 75 gallon I want and quit stressing . 😄
I’m sitting here weirding out about what @jaylach said about thieves and their cell phone cameras and today we got a letter from a bank we don’t do business with saying somebody tried to open an account in SWMBO name and was it us and if not call . Then to make me freak out even more @GaryE posts in another thread about environmental and utility disasters that could kill my fish and right now I’m putting tin foil on all the windows and training my cat to attack .
Sorry, didn't mean to freak you out...

To be honest I don't use checks at all except for rent. For local shopping I just use my debit card as it is easier than checks to keep up to date with my account as the card will show up right away via on-line banking even if just pending. All my bills, not many, I just do on-line. Also I just don't trust checks. For instance my rent check never goes to a bank. It is scanned and processed electronically. You have probably experienced this in a store where they run the check through a scanner then return it to you. Still there are some, such as my rent, where the check is not returned. Since they are not going to keep the check it ends up in the trash. My apartments DO shred the checks but not all outfits do so the full check ends up in the trash where it can easily be retrieved by a crook, and there are people that do hunt trash for just this purpose. So now that person has your check with the account number and routing number.

Are debit cards any more secure? In one aspect they are as there is no 'paper trail' as there is with a check. Still a photo could still be taken of the card and a person could watch when you enter your PIN. That is one reason why I almost never use my PIN but, instead, select to use the credit option on the terminal, yes, at least in most cases, a debit card will process using the terminal's credit option. Someone could still photo my card but would not have the PIN. Actually I always cover the card number as much as possible when using.

So now we must come to using a card on-line which you do or you would not be a supporting member. A much safer way to do on-line is to open a PayPal account and link your card. Now, when buying on-line, just use your PayPal account and your bank info is not involved. Shoot, you can even get a card through PayPal to use locally so even in a store your bank info is never involved. I DO have such a card but, to be honest, I've never used.

So what am I actually doing today? LOL! Got to make this post fit the topic.
Actually I typed all the above so it is something I did today. ;) Other than that I am currently washing dishes which means that I pressed a button on my dishwasher. That alone almost exhausted me! Other than that I placed a new order with Omaha Steaks for groceries and found another discount. Along with other discount options I've discovered I now get an additional $10.00 USD off with every order due to a military discount. If this keeps going like it has Omaha Steaks is going to end up paying me.
I’m sitting here weirding out about what @jaylach said about thieves and their cell phone cameras and today we got a letter from a bank we don’t do business with saying somebody tried to open an account in SWMBO name and was it us and if not call . Then to make me freak out even more @GaryE posts in another thread about environmental and utility disasters that could kill my fish and right now I’m putting tin foil on all the windows and training my cat to attack .
Maybe that was my wife, well, at least she has a hat with SWMBO on it?

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