What are you doing today?

I'm sitting down to watch the movie "Night of the Lepus." It's about rampaging killer rabbits.:lol: It's not highly rated but looks to be good mindless fun. It's free via Roku so I can always turn it off if I don't like it. Movie is from 1972.
Anyone here ever see this movie?
Well, how was it? Sounds like one of those so-bad-it's-good kind of movies. But of course, all I can think of is the Holy Grail rabbit.
DEATH AWAITS YOU ALL! With nasty, big, pointy teeth.
Well, how was it? Sounds like one of those so-bad-it's-good kind of movies. But of course, all I can think of is the Holy Grail rabbit.
DEATH AWAITS YOU ALL! With nasty, big, pointy teeth.
It was a fun time as one of the expiremental hormone treated rabbits escapes and infects many other rabbits. The hormone caused them to quickly increase in size and turned them into rabbid rabbits :lol: Good mindless fun.

I may watch another B movie horror film tonight on Svengoolie. The movie is called "Empire of the Ants.
Synopsis: Con artist Marilyn Fryser tries to sell bogus real estate deals in an area overrun by giant ants. It stars Joan Collins. Should be a fun movie watch.
It was a fun time as one of the expiremental hormone treated rabbits escapes and infects many other rabbits. The hormone caused them to quickly increase in size and turned them into rabbid rabbits :lol: Good mindless fun.

I may watch another B movie horror film tonight on Svengoolie. The movie is called "Empire of the Ants.
Synopsis: Con artist Marilyn Fryser tries to sell bogus real estate deals in an area overrun by giant ants. It stars Joan Collins. Should be a fun movie watch.
LOL! Makes me think of the 'gnarly rabbit' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail. :) I just might have to watch some Monty. I have The Holy Grail, Life of Brian and Meaning of Life. They are all so stupid they are great just like The Princess Bride. ;)
LOL! Makes me think of the 'gnarly rabbit' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail. :) I just might have to watch some Monty. I have The Holy Grail, Life of Brian and Meaning of Life. They are all so stupid they are great just like The Princess Bride. ;)
The princess Bride is an amazing movie 🤣
I love it so much. I've seen it a lot.


"Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they exist..."

"I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?"

And of course...
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die"
Just ordered a new bedroom night stand lamp. Since I put my old bedroom light on an end table in my living room my bedroom is pretty dim unless I pull the cord for the light on my ceiling fan.

With all my post about new living room furniture it is probably known that I don't tend to go for every day normal type stuff... well the same with this lamp. I just hope that it is really like the image.

Soooo, here it is.... drum roll please... :banana: :band:

Just ordered a new bedroom night stand lamp. Since I put my old bedroom light on an end table in my living room my bedroom is pretty dim unless I pull the cord for the light on my ceiling fan.

With all my post about new living room furniture it is probably known that I don't tend to go for every day normal type stuff... well the same with this lamp. I just hope that it is really like the image.

Soooo, here it is.... drum roll please... :banana: :band:

View attachment 330886
I like it!
Today I helped my son and his new bride move into their new place. They will live there for a few months until he finishes training and they get their first duty station. They have lots of moving in their future- luckily the Army will take care of it after today. I am not as spry as I was and I really hate moving. I think Hell is getting up in the morning after a bad night's sleep and having to move every day. The place you're moving from never gets empty.... :oops::oops::oops::oops:
Trying to figure out why the misses always pick the weirdest places for her eggs snubbing any natural or otherwise caves available:
Woke up to find a wild starling in my bathroom. No idea how it got in or how long it was there. But I have pet birds so obviously having a wild bird in the house is not exactly great. I spent my whole morning deep cleaning the house, anywhere the bird may have been. I only got to finally sit down and eat breakfast at around 11am. Fun times, lol.
I'm home sick this afternoon. And as if that isn't fun enough, we're supposed to have a big winter storm Wednesday and Thursday, right when we're supposed to be driving across the state to spend the holiday with my dad. Bleah. 🤢

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