It was our grandson's first birthday party this afternoon. His birthday was actually 2 weeks ago but this was the first date everyone could make it. Our son's partner is Romanian, so the party included two Romanian customs.
His godmother cut off some of the baby's hair, tied it with red cord and sealed it with candlewax. The tradition is that this wards off evil spirits.
Then a tray was placed in front of our grandson, containing several items and he had to pick three of them. He chose a microphone, a religious symbol and a calculator. Tradition says these items indicate what he will be when he grows up. Hmmm, he'll be a famous singer of religious music (if he's famous = well paid, he'll need a calculator to work out his taxes)?
His godmother cut off some of the baby's hair, tied it with red cord and sealed it with candlewax. The tradition is that this wards off evil spirits.
Then a tray was placed in front of our grandson, containing several items and he had to pick three of them. He chose a microphone, a religious symbol and a calculator. Tradition says these items indicate what he will be when he grows up. Hmmm, he'll be a famous singer of religious music (if he's famous = well paid, he'll need a calculator to work out his taxes)?