What are you doing today?

It was our grandson's first birthday party this afternoon. His birthday was actually 2 weeks ago but this was the first date everyone could make it. Our son's partner is Romanian, so the party included two Romanian customs.
His godmother cut off some of the baby's hair, tied it with red cord and sealed it with candlewax. The tradition is that this wards off evil spirits.
Then a tray was placed in front of our grandson, containing several items and he had to pick three of them. He chose a microphone, a religious symbol and a calculator. Tradition says these items indicate what he will be when he grows up. Hmmm, he'll be a famous singer of religious music (if he's famous = well paid, he'll need a calculator to work out his taxes)?
Where do you live? You are taking it well, because out of all the things I would doing or feeling, laughing wouldn't be one! Hope it gets sorted, especially for the fish rather than the humans (which is what I'd be thinking sadly!).
North Carolina.
Yahh, usually when hurricanes or big storms happen our power goes out for a little while... Thankfully it's back on now...
I took care of my fish with my trusty turkey baster lol. We have an electric generator as well but we didn't have to use it much really besides for our phones.
It was funny, as soon as we decided to hook up the generator to the refrigerator and aquarium, the power came back on lol.
So everything turned out fine!
Oh wow. Hope everybody stays safe!
We're safe! A bit of flooding in our town but nothing major from what we know...
I lived in North East Florida for 16 years, Jacksonville Beach. I remember a year when we had three different storms hit in about a week. Never did have a storm do a direct hit though. Almost never happens in Jacksonville.
Oh yah... Florida gets it a lot lol...
We've been hit directly 2 or 3 times... Worst was Florence, but no major damage...
Although before that there was a storm and idk if it was a hurricane or not but we were on vacation at the time... When we came back there were multiple dead squirrels in our back yard along with a large fallen tree branch that took our fence out
Look at this fat marbled salamander I found!
He/she's eating good!
Look at this fat marbled salamander I found!
He/she's eating good!
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Where did you find it? Are you going to keep it? We have tiger salamanders here, very closely related, and they are very easy to keep in captivity. Really cute critters.
Where did you find it? Are you going to keep it? We have tiger salamanders here, very closely related, and they are very easy to keep in captivity. Really cute critters.
No, I don't think it's ethical taking an animal from the wild like that. They have a high mortality rate then. They also have the opportunity for tons of space and the best quality out there, but when you take them from the wild you take a lot of space and quality from them.
I'd love to keep salamanders one day, but not from the wild...
I also think salamanders are protected species but idk
Been to a bonsai show in Doncaster , done water changes and just about to take the dogs out in the wind
Elk 1. Whistling badger 0. When is the next game?

More like Elk 20, Badger 2. I hope to get one with my rifle next month, but it will probably not be as fun or challenging as a bow hunt. That won't happen again until next September.
More like Elk 20, Badger 2. I hope to get one with my rifle next month, but it will probably not be as fun or challenging as a bow hunt. That won't happen again until next September.
I have a wild herd of 22 white tail that congregate in the field next to me. They are Lyme magnets. Come over and bow a dozen or two. 🤗
I have a wild herd of 22 white tail that congregate in the field next to me. They are Lyme magnets. Come over and bow a dozen or two. 🤗
Most states back east seem to have whitetail seasons similar to rabbit seasons here: Basically kill all you need as long as you aren't wasting them or selling them commercially. I suspect Lyme is one reason why. Must be time to reintroduce wolves into Maryland! 😆

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