What are you doing today?

Never mind NFL, where is that frog?? Or was that just another figment of your senility? 🤭
Have not seen the frog since the first evening., By now it would be a mummy and all dried up. On the plus side they mumify and just dry up I don't have to worry about any smell or anything. I still wish I could have found and caught the beastie to return to where it belonged. I'll probably find it some day when I flip up my couch to vaccuum or something but I'm sure that it is dead by now.
Today is about NFL football's first preseason game and pizza. :) Game just started and pizza on the way. Well pizza and a garden salad and habaneo chicken sandwich. Actually, if you ever order from Domino's Pizza the habanero chicken sandwich is pretty tasty. :) Not really habanero hot but has a bite. Heat is more like jalapeno.

Oh, if you do Domino's Pizza for delivery try to time your order for what would be busy times. Delivery will be longer but the pizza will arrive fine as the delay is mostly in the preparation before baking. I don't know how many times I've gotten a free medium pizza due to long delivery time but it has been a lot.
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His brother and three sisters are still available for adoption…. :whistle: :hey:
His brother and three sisters are still available for adoption…. :whistle: :hey:
But... It's not Marcello 😞😂

If I wasn't restricted to NC and could get a dog right now, I would honestly consider looking into them LOL.
But... It's not Marcello 😞😂

If I wasn't restricted to NC and could get a dog right now, I would honestly consider looking into them LOL.
VA is only a couple hours my guy! They desperately need homes as the founder of 180degree rescue is about to have a major surgery and can no longer foster 16 dogs at a time. All the other foster homes are overflowing as well
VA is only a couple hours my guy! They desperately need homes as the founder of 180degree rescue is about to have a major surgery and can no longer foster 16 dogs at a time. All the other foster homes are overflowing as well
Oh man 😞 I really wish I could help them out... But I can't at this time, which sucks... I really hope they can get good homes. All of them.
It's so sad to see dogs have to go through things like that
Sigh, another failure on re-homing my cichlids. :( All was fine until the person wanted to put them in a tank with discus. Can't do that to the discus. These dwarf cichlids are supposed to be pretty mellow but the ones I have are VERY aggressive. Even at about 2 inches mature size they would waste a discus. Discus look all big and bad but they are usually wimps that will try to hide from a fight and get killed as a result. I can't do that... just can't do that. Eventually I'll find a home so I can get my Panda Garras but it will not be at the expense of either my current cichlids or other fish.

We shall see is what we shall see. If one puts out the effort to wait for what is right the right answer usually shows its face. :) Sounds all mystic and stuff but is usually actually true. It is usually all about how you approach things. Look at a situation as a failure and you will likely fail. Look at a situation as a potential and you will succeed. Sounds all cliche but is truth. Don't really know where then last part came from but I DO consider it truth.
Actually I'm sort of ticked off. Just got done with an early morning phone consult with my primary care provider. I'm told that blood tests show absolutely nothing wrong. Come the middle of October I'll be 69 years old yet my tests come back with blood pressure and cholesterol levels that someone 30 years old would be happy to have. Torso CT scan mostly for lung issues and ultra sound for my lower aorta are negative as to any potential issues.

All this boils down to I am physically almost 40 years younger than my actual age yet I'm being told all these I can't do or eat. For an example I'm told to totally quit eating pasta which is NOT going to happen. To me pasta is a food group that will never leave my life. :) If I can't enjoy food I love just let me die as life would not be worth living.

This may all seem sort of obscure but it says something about health care today. I match perfect test results for someone half my age yet I keep being told to eat/act like someone my age... Sigh, that seems sort of odd but please try to understand what I'm saying. For another aspect several years ago I was supposed to have a knee replacement. I didn't like that idea so bought a bicycle and started using instead of driving. After one summer of cycling I oddly no longer seemed to need a knee replacement. I still do the bike thing and can honestly say that it has been two months since I've driven my car.

Yet all these medical people say that I need to totally change my life to be healthy., With what I've already said how do I improve my health? :dunno: These peopole just plug numers in a computer and that is their code. My numbers don't match their code for my age group so flag is thrown.

Shoot, who knows. I may keel over and die tomorrow but I promise and swear that I will live today as if it is the first day. The heck with tomorrow as it is not here yet. Forget ytestrday as it is already done and can't be changed.. The only thing that matters is the exact moment in which you now exist. Your current moment knows from your past and controls who you will become. Each moment is what defines life. To truly live we have to forget to do so and just experience each moment as a life time in it's self.
Actually I'm sort of ticked off. Just got done with an early morning phone consult with my primary care provider. I'm told that blood tests show absolutely nothing wrong. Come the middle of October I'll be 69 years old yet my tests come back with blood pressure and cholesterol levels that someone 30 years old would be happy to have. Torso CT scan mostly for lung issues and ultra sound for my lower aorta are negative as to any potential issues.

All this boils down to I am physically almost 40 years younger than my actual age yet I'm being told all these I can't do or eat. For an example I'm told to totally quit eating pasta which is NOT going to happen. To me pasta is a food group that will never leave my life. :) If I can't enjoy food I love just let me die as life would not be worth living.

This may all seem sort of obscure but it says something about health care today. I match perfect test results for someone half my age yet I keep being told to eat/act like someone my age... Sigh, that seems sort of odd but please try to understand what I'm saying. For another aspect several years ago I was supposed to have a knee replacement. I didn't like that idea so bought a bicycle and started using instead of driving. After one summer of cycling I oddly no longer seemed to need a knee replacement. I still do the bike thing and can honestly say that it has been two months since I've driven my car.

Yet all these medical people say that I need to totally change my life to be healthy., With what I've already said how do I improve my health? :dunno: These peopole just plug numers in a computer and that is their code. My numbers don't match their code for my age group so flag is thrown.

Shoot, who knows. I may keel over and die tomorrow but I promise and swear that I will live today as if it is the first day. The heck with tomorrow as it is not here yet. Forget ytestrday as it is already done and can't be changed.. The only thing that matters is the exact moment in which you now exist. Your current moment knows from your past and controls who you will become. Each moment is what defines life. To truly live we have to forget to do so and just experience each moment as a life time in it's self.
Who tells someone not to eat PASTA!? 😨😅
Who tells someone not to eat PASTA!? 😨😅
Sadly a large percentage of today's medical people if you are over 50 years old. In the age group of us old stiffs it seems that our actual medical condition means nothing as it becomes just a system of matching numbers. From my point of view I say screw the numbers.

I MAY have a bit of an odd view on all this as death is not something new as I did that bit many years ago. Ya, I'm one of those weirdos that had a near death thing. Actually my NDE didn't really change my life style until many years later but right away DID make me more aware of what life is.

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