What are you doing today?

OK. I have no clue! I'm in a third floor apartment Yes, with the creek next to my building there are a lot of frogs and such but I'm on the third floor. How in the world do I now have a small frog in my tank? I mean if the critter can find surface plants to rest on and can live in the tank I don't really care but would love to know how the danged little beastie got there. :dunno:

Never mind. The beastie found its way back out of the tank. and is not seen. I've been on he floor with a flashlight and can't find the critter. If it does not get back to wet I'm sure that it will dehydrate and die. Dang! The thing is back in the tank and then gone. I don't know where it is right now but this is kind of fun in a weird sort of way.

If I can find it in the tank long enough I'll post a photo. If the thing wants to live in the tank I have no problem as long as it pays rent on time. If it matures it will probably be larger but right now in is about a half inch in length. Actually might be a 'peeper' and already at full mature size.

Wish I could figure out how this critter got to a tank in my third floor apartment. It would probably be a story worth telling. ;) Right now I have zero idea as to where the thing is. I THINK that it will return to the tank in time as it is a frog and needs to be wet to survive. It needs water to live and knows where water is.
Here’s the photos of the actual location(I didn’t take these, the camp director did). The circled photo is where the ceremony will be held, you can see behind the trees but there’s a stage on the lakeshore and benches. Got to go spend some time there today with the camp director and some of my coworkers from last year working there. View attachment 323790View attachment 323791View attachment 323792View attachment 323793View attachment 323794View attachment 323795
Oh my goshhh!... Its absolutely stunning! That is just beautiful!

Daniel chose that place right? If I remember correctly, he proposed at the same place you will be getting married?
He chose the spot perfectly.
@JuiceBox52 You should do landscape paintings of those amazing scenes.

How many guests are you planning on having?
I dislike landscapes 🤪

We’re hoping for about a 150 person turnout. It’s likely to be less than that seeing it is on a Monday, but that is the amount that we have space for and we both have big families so the number very quickly creeps up there
Oh my goshhh!... Its absolutely stunning! That is just beautiful!

Daniel chose that place right? If I remember correctly, he proposed at the same place you will be getting married?
He chose the spot perfectly.
I chose the place! I grew up going there as a camper, my grandma even grew up going there as a camper! I worked there as staff last year.

Daniel knew that that was where I had always wanted to get married, and he also knew that it was my favorite place and very special to me so he proposed there as well (which I didn’t see coming, he was dropping hints that he might propose on my birthday and so I was totally surprised by it

One thing that’s going to be very special, is that the building we are holding the reception in, my grandpa built! My mom and grandparents lived in a tent on camp for 6 months while she was 9 and my grandpa logged the trees and built the lodge
@JuiceBox52 is fishing allowed? ;-)
Yes! They pay to get the lake stocked each year. We also have a resident bald eagle who we fish for. Catch the fish, get settled with the camera on the grass, and toss the fish out, the eagle with come grab it and swoop right in front of your faces. It’s pretty amazing.
Was trying to find the stupid little rouge frog in my apartment but have given up for now. I figured out how the beastie probably got in my apartment. It had rained and they come up from the creek and sit on the wet concrete patio behind the building. The thing probably hitched a ride on the leg of my sweats.

What are you doing today?​

Well, celebrating my birthday today... Just had some guests over. And this evening I'll have more guests.
56th birthday c.jpg
So, I'm on a break for now. Time to squeeze in here... ;)

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