What are you doing today?

On a sadder note, Mrs. Badger's betta, Hammy, died today. We got him last winter to celebrate getting through a scary medical procedure. He was really cool, with a lot of personality, always up at the front of the glass mugging for food and attention. His flamboyant personality and his bright blue color reminded Mrs. B of Hamilton in the musical, thus the name. When we first brought him home, he jumped out of his cup while I was setting up his tank and lay on the floor for I don't know how long before we found him. He recovered in less than a day, and we put a poster above his tank that says, "Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now." :) He occupied every bit of his five gallon cube. Once we put in a bunch of live scuds; it was the best day of his life. He relentlessly hunted them down with obvious enjoyment.

When we got back from our long trip a week ago, he wasn't right. His colors were a little speckly, and he wasn't as active as usual, just sort of hanging around on the surface. The water parameters were good, his keepers hadn't over-fed him, the plants were growing lushly, no obvious disease symptoms except a swelling on the side of his face. My only guess is that the cheap cannon decoration in his tank was releasing toxins, but it was in there for months before we left...

He was a cool fish. Sure wish he had lasted longer.
Don't get me wrong as I actually really like a lot of your work.
Thank you 😊
I didn’t mean to come across defensive, people just tend to get quite upset with my work, and I’ve come to the conclusion that some people just feel uncomfortable with things that aren’t all rainbows and butterflies.

I have my art style, and I’m sticking to it. I’m done with catering to the wants of people who aren’t my clients and collectors. There is a market for my work, so why change?

Sorry for the mini rant 😆
On a sadder note, Mrs. Badger's betta, Hammy, died today. We got him last winter to celebrate getting through a scary medical procedure. He was really cool, with a lot of personality, always up at the front of the glass mugging for food and attention. His flamboyant personality and his bright blue color reminded Mrs. B of Hamilton in the musical, thus the name. When we first brought him home, he jumped out of his cup while I was setting up his tank and lay on the floor for I don't know how long before we found him. He recovered in less than a day, and we put a poster above his tank that says, "Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now." :) He occupied every bit of his five gallon cube. Once we put in a bunch of live scuds; it was the best day of his life. He relentlessly hunted them down with obvious enjoyment.

When we got back from our long trip a week ago, he wasn't right. His colors were a little speckly, and he wasn't as active as usual, just sort of hanging around on the surface. The water parameters were good, his keepers hadn't over-fed him, the plants were growing lushly, no obvious disease symptoms except a swelling on the side of his face. My only guess is that the cheap cannon decoration in his tank was releasing toxins, but it was in there for months before we left...

He was a cool fish. Sure wish he had lasted longer.
Sorry for your loss 😕
On a sadder note, Mrs. Badger's betta, Hammy, died today. We got him last winter to celebrate getting through a scary medical procedure. He was really cool, with a lot of personality, always up at the front of the glass mugging for food and attention. His flamboyant personality and his bright blue color reminded Mrs. B of Hamilton in the musical, thus the name. When we first brought him home, he jumped out of his cup while I was setting up his tank and lay on the floor for I don't know how long before we found him. He recovered in less than a day, and we put a poster above his tank that says, "Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now." :) He occupied every bit of his five gallon cube. Once we put in a bunch of live scuds; it was the best day of his life. He relentlessly hunted them down with obvious enjoyment.

When we got back from our long trip a week ago, he wasn't right. His colors were a little speckly, and he wasn't as active as usual, just sort of hanging around on the surface. The water parameters were good, his keepers hadn't over-fed him, the plants were growing lushly, no obvious disease symptoms except a swelling on the side of his face. My only guess is that the cheap cannon decoration in his tank was releasing toxins, but it was in there for months before we left...

He was a cool fish. Sure wish he had lasted longer.
What was his age? I'm sorry for the loss.

I never had any case of betta jumping from the tank, although I had a betta in a basin outside and he disappeared.

I don't know if Betta splendens is able to have some affection. He shows enthusiasm even when my dog looks at him and I suspect that he recognizes me from about 1 meter in distance. When I simply look at him, he just exercises his normal behavior and swims around. When I remove a lid, then he gets enthusiastic and knows that probably will receive food.

This is what happens when I remove the glass lid:
Grumbling and REALLY getting tired of the situation. Around 3 weeks ago my apartments finally replaced the main water chiller unit for the apartments so I had central air again. Yesterday the danged thing blew a compressor so the systems abilities is cut in half. Of course this happened while we are having a week with temperatures in the mid to upper 90s.

From what I was told by a friend that I've known since 10th grade the new unit, at 30 tons, was too small for a 50+ unit apartment building. This guy did A/C &H in the Navy and says the unit should have been at least 50 tons. The thing already burning out a compressor tends to back up what he said.

Today my apartment hit 82 degrees with the hurt A/C going as much as it could go. With the ceiling fans I installed I can't say that my place is not all that much uncomfortable but I like to keep it in the lower 70s.

What worries me is my tank which I keep at a constant 81 degrees. Yesterday my apartment temperature peaked at 79 degrees, today at 82 degrees. At this point it is not an issue for my tank as it most likely runs at a temperature a couple of degrees below room temperature just die to the cooling effect of evaporation. Still I worry about the possibility of the ambient temperature continuing to rise. At the current time my water temperature is still fine but I already have a set of treated water ice cubes ready itf needed. Hey, better to be prepared and not needed than needed and not prepared. ;)
Another day at the beach with grandkids. Considering going fishing for blues tomorrow and serving them for dinner.

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