Tina's Twin Bommies

It does make me closer to that ID, and it does send me further away from the BTA option, but it's still not 100%. It's nearly close enough for me to put money on now though (watch Skifletch come on and ID it definitely as something else now :lol: )

I don't really care any more what it is, it is beautiful, it seems to like my lighting and it seems to be thriving. But I really would like to know what it is if you know where I am coming from.

It does make me closer to that ID, and it does send me further away from the BTA option, but it's still not 100%. It's nearly close enough for me to put money on now though (watch Skifletch come on and ID it definitely as something else now :lol: )

Why would that send you further from the BTA, Bubbles get forked tenticals. But must admit, it's liking for being on the sand bed leads me to think it is a Malu

Seffie x


The foot is actually on the rock, I think any higher and the light would be too much for it, I believe that is why it has stayed there.

the lfs got me one that was 2ft and stayed that size for years

regrads scott

Ah, that may be why then Scott. If it was wild caught at that size, that would be an adult. I am guessing the sizes I have seen are for one that is raised in captivity. I know that makes a difference to quite a few fish.
Nice tang. The way you treated whitespot was interesting, I suppose constant supply of an enhanced diet does work as a good treatment. My fish shop has a Coral Beauty with hole in the head and only yesterday did I wonder what the treatment for it was. Turns out nobody really knows but it seems that a better diet helps it recover.

Also I'm guessing jbsmarines is a good shop then? I also saw them on ebay and I thought they looked quite good. Might well buy off them then when I'm ready for corals.
I don't consider myself out of the woods as far as w/s is concerned atm, although I am not sure yet whether it is or isn't. I am in constant communication with Nev atm, and taking his advice.

I truly believe that stress is the biggest contributing factor, tangs due to their nature get stressed when moved.

Minimizing the stress and feeding the correct diet along with the UV should be enough as I put the UV on just before adding him to the tank. Therefore it will have been caught right at the start if it is w/s. If it is not, in a weeks time the UV will be turned off.

I will keep you posted.
Yeah I heard they can be like that. As much as my mum detests this I can't fit a tang in my tank so I guess I'm lucky not to have to deal with it as much.

Although I would really like a tang... Oh well in the future when I manage to get a slightly bigger tank :).
Once you have had him a few weeks you prob wont see another spot.

what flow rate do you have through your UV? It has to be very slow so the contact time is as long as possible.
Its connected to the return pump, the return pump is tee'd off to the bubble stop with phos remover and carbon.

Its pretty slow going through there, I think it should be a 700 -800 lph according to the book, mine is slower than that. Plus the walls of the tubing are now a little algae covered and that has slowed it a little more.

Spot free today still.
yours is the TMC 200 one isnt it?
800L/H doesnt give the contact time to kill white spot iirc, cant find the article/thread i read about it when i had it in mine atm.

Sounds like it doesnt matter anyway :good: :)
No Ben thats what the instructions say the pump should be, it should be slower to kill w/s. Mine is definatly less than 600 lph going through it.

Hoping it does not matter, fingers still crossed, but would like to make sure UV is right as it may be needed in future if not now.
im sure it was somthing like 300L/H but im not 100%. here was a big debate going on at the time too so some of it just went over my head!

any new pics of the lil fella? im a bit of a tang fan :drool:
I will try for you Ben, he is still a little scared of me yet.

He knows now, that my hand goes in to fill the Nori clip and place some New Era pellets rolled up on the glass above it, but he shoots off when the pipette goes in to feed frozen.

If I get too close to the tank, he shoots off again.

Will have to sit in front of the tank for a while till he is used to me being there and see what I can get.

I will try though :good:
OK managed a couple, they are not the best though as he is quick.

Managed this of the clowns whilst I was on.




Hope you like them Ben.
Little update for you.

No spots at all and the tang is looking far more yellow which fits with the juvenile colouring. I am believing the spots were indeed stress spots and now the he feels settled, his colour has come out and the spots have gone. Will be a week on Saturday.

Saturday is my Birthday, going to Fishworld to see what I can find. Swapping my Torch frag for a hammer frag that is different to the Hammer I have atm, meeting the person there to swap.

I will be collecting my fungia that is reserved and seeing what else takes my fancy.

For now, here is a pic of the Tang since the colouring came through.


Hope you like those big blue eyes.

I apologise for not being about much, will be again soon, working on some writing for a specialist marine forum, where I have just become a moderator. It is taking up a little more time than I expected. When I do have a break, I don't feel like giving long winded answers, sorry.

EDIT word missed out

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