Started An Oddball Tank.

I would say the 2215 is fine. I would do that and fill it with the bio media.

Any idea on what plants you want?

Haven't given that all too much thought really... I was thinking about some sorts of swords, other big leafy plants, and maybe a butt-load of grassy plants some-wheres in the tank. I don't really know :D

Any suggestions? And if at all possible a place to get them online ( the stores around here don't have the best selection...)
Since your centerpiece fish seems to be the bgk, I would do a bio type of where it lives. Lots of roots, a few plants, and maybe tannic water. Most people don't like the tannic look though. The other fish will appreciate the roots too. I would have loads of drift wood (many of the root like pieces you recently collected would work well) with some java fern or anubias attached too it. Maybe have some amazon swords or Vallisneria americana var. americana Michaux as background plants, wisteria and cabomba something similar for some mid tank plants, some micro swords, ricca, or java moss as a carpet plant, and some giant duckweed as a surface plant. Take a look around in the planted forum and see if there are any plants/tanks you like.

A great place to buy plants: Plants. They have bio spira, so you could order this with your plants for an instant cycle if you wanted. Just do a google search and you are bound to find some other places.

Aye, pretty much what I was thinking :D

However...I noticed my Not so LFS had zig-zag eels in...What difference are these to M.Aral size-wise ect. Not sure how many they had though, but they weren't very expensive ( 6 bucks or so ). And after quite a bit of research, the eels at my Really Not so LFS seem to be M. Arals, I'll look more into it next time I go out there.

May have to go with the bio-spira...Went out ammonia hunting today...found nadda.
M. aral and M. circumcinctus are very easy to tell apart. In the oddballs species index, look at the peacock eel profile. There are pics of the peacock, aral, and circumcintus.

Would the, so to say, flock together? Say if I got 2 of one species, and 1 of another?

I would think so...But, having no experience doesn't help :D
Mine did. I think it is mostly if you have two eels of different genera together that they won't "flock". It wont be full on shoaling like you see in red belly P's or neons though. They will more likely sleep together and hang around in a rough group when they are active.

So, would it not be a good idea to house more than one genera of eels together? Or would it not matter?
I don't see any problems, but the other members of the other genus of spiny eels grows huge or needs hard alkaline water, something the fish you want do not appreciate.

I'll just stick with one kind then...Just to be safe.

Just gotta wait for all the stuff I ordered to come in. I've got a 4x2 sheet of 1/8inch plexiglass, so I'm going to wait to get all my fixtures before I cut it. This way I minimize the amount of space there is for any escapees to exploit, though I'm worried that if I do this...there won't be enough oxygen getting into the tank...Is this the case, or am I over analyzing things?
Do you mean that the tank is too tightly sealed? If so, you have nothing to worry about. You will never get an airtight seal. If it gives you some peace of mind, drill a couple of very tiny holes (not big enough for fish to fit through) in the plexiglass.

Aye, that's what I was thinking.

Just have to wait until all my supplies come in so I can cut it to the right measurements.

Yet to find any ammonia though...Going to try a 50 mile sweep of all plumbing, hardware, and various other stores I can find. If I still can't find any, I'll just have to bone up and buy some bio-spira.

I'll try to get pictures of the tank later today.
I can't find any ammonia near me either. I used to just pee in the tank until I read SH's post on what is actually in human pee. Didn't seem like a very good idea to continue using that method. I am setting up a tank right now, I guess I will just use bio spira to cycle it. It's not that expensive though. Shouldn't run you more than $70 for a tank of your size.

I can't find any ammonia near me either. I used to just pee in the tank until I read SH's post on what is actually in human pee. Didn't seem like a very good idea to continue using that method. I am setting up a tank right now, I guess I will just use bio spira to cycle it. It's not that expensive though. Shouldn't run you more than $70 for a tank of your size.


Ya' know..the thought had crossed my mind to use urine to start the cycle...haha.

'Use 1 ounce (29.6 ml) of BIO-Spira per 30 gallons of water' ... Bio-spira comes in 3oz containers so 3oz would cycle 90gals, so wouldn't one batch of the stuff be enough to cycle my tank?
Bio spira comes in different sizes, if I recall correctly, 1oz, 3oz, 8 oz, and 32 oz. And yes, a 3oz package is enough to cycle your tank. I guess it should run you a little less than $50 including shipping (assuming you order online).


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