The effervescence tamed down in the following days, and shrimps started to die off, again...
So I immediately bagged 200 juveniles shrimps, it took half a day, when to my LFS who immediately took them
The number of berried shrimps was pretty amazing for shrimps that young.
Since I changed the water chemistry from 120ppm GH and 70ppm KH to 80ppm GH and 70ppm KH. still 1/3 potassium.
The first thing that is appearing is molting rate reduces, the shrimps seems to be able to stretch their shells instead of being forced to molt. This (only after a month, but has been tested in another tank) reflects in a lot less early berrying of shrimps that are 3 weeks old ?!?
With reduced molting rate. A good number grow a lot bigger and poop a lot more.
This bring me to... Nitrates, that evidently followed the chore and started to creep up again... I'm currently doing daily 20% water changes to maintain it in range.
Another occurrence probably related to the change in chemistry. Is the seed shrimps population recessed a lot. I'm not really worrying about that, as they are in reality competitors and keeping the cherries well fed was making them thrive.
But when dying off, they might have contributed to an ammonia lift that turned into a nitrate spike. And they might also have a partial role in denitrification too.
So for the time being I'm changing water on regular basis. trying to bring nitrate down <10ppm. and maintain the same chemistry.
This is how it goes for it's first anniversary, and a lot of tribulations.
But I'm getting there... I want Beefy shrimps, loll.
So I immediately bagged 200 juveniles shrimps, it took half a day, when to my LFS who immediately took them
Since I changed the water chemistry from 120ppm GH and 70ppm KH to 80ppm GH and 70ppm KH. still 1/3 potassium.
The first thing that is appearing is molting rate reduces, the shrimps seems to be able to stretch their shells instead of being forced to molt. This (only after a month, but has been tested in another tank) reflects in a lot less early berrying of shrimps that are 3 weeks old ?!?
With reduced molting rate. A good number grow a lot bigger and poop a lot more.
This bring me to... Nitrates, that evidently followed the chore and started to creep up again... I'm currently doing daily 20% water changes to maintain it in range.
Another occurrence probably related to the change in chemistry. Is the seed shrimps population recessed a lot. I'm not really worrying about that, as they are in reality competitors and keeping the cherries well fed was making them thrive.
But when dying off, they might have contributed to an ammonia lift that turned into a nitrate spike. And they might also have a partial role in denitrification too.
So for the time being I'm changing water on regular basis. trying to bring nitrate down <10ppm. and maintain the same chemistry.
This is how it goes for it's first anniversary, and a lot of tribulations.
But I'm getting there... I want Beefy shrimps, loll.