I'll see if my Not so LFS has any of the penguins... I remember seeing one hooked onto their marine tank...whether or not they have them for sale is another question.
Still need to figure out how to put that damned canister filter together... I can't find the connector piece to the water diffuser for the tank return...not really needed, but I'd like to know where it is...
Since you bought it used, the previous owner may have lost it and forgot to tell you it was gone.
I wouldn't recommend getting a large filter at an lfs, they rape you. I would look into buying it online at places like Big Al's and Dr. Foster and Smith. Since you are looking into buying your lighting online, just buy the filter and the lights at the same place to save on shipping. I just got my Eheim 2213 for $67 and my lfs has them for $99. Saved quite a wad of cash there. My lfs has a penguin 350 for $52 and I have seen it as cheap as $33 online.