I thought about hooking my filter up to hers...But the intake tube is too long to work.

It just barely has enough room to fit in my tank ( 2-3 inches from the bottom ). I figure I'll just clone some of her bacteria onto a biobag, then place it into my filter. The bacteria should hop over onto the biowheels, no?
I would hate to waste all that water by dumping the whole tank...Plus, getting all the sand out, just to
try to lower the ph would be a mega pain. I had scrubbed the tank out when I got it, and I also washed the sand. I'm going to try a 20 gal change, see if that changes anything. Also going to get a new ph test kit before I do anything too drastic.
bit of an update...I just did a few tests( api master test kit)...the results were:
1.)Bucket + sand: Ph=7.4-7.8 on highrange ph scale 7.6+ on normal
2.)Bucket I've been soaking driftwood in: Ph=7.6+ off charts, didn't bother with highrange
3.)Tank with very wood-stained water: Ph= 7.6+ off charts, didn't bother with highrange