Started An Oddball Tank.

If your KH was really low, this would explain the pH drop. Try to test for this when you can.

Well, I have also added two pieces of wood since I first tested...This may be why it has gone down; though, I will pick up a kh test whenever I next go to a shop.
Test the tap water with your test kit that is reading high in your 80g. If it comes out at the same level as your other tanks, you will know that it is something in the tank. Did you ever take some of the playsand and put it in a bucket and test the water in the bucket?

Haven't put any in a bucket yet, but I did test my tap and other tanks. Both came out just fine.

I'll go try to find a free bucket and test the tank again.
You don't really need a bucket, any old tupperware or something like that will work just fine.

Too late, got a bucket sitting out right now.

I've plopped two biobags into my mum's filter on her tank, in hopes of transferring some biological media over. Hopefully it will work. I'll give them a few days, and bring them over. Tomorrow some-time I'm going to do a 10-20 gal water change and see if the ph drops any.

Although, I'm kind of worried that it's the test kit, as I tested one of my other tanks again today...and it's reading was way high up there...

Just checked the tap ph...It's down at 7.0-7.2.... I don't know what's going on...
I would just attach your filter(s) to her tank unless it can't handle the extra current.

I would guess it's the test kit. If in doubt, dump the tank, give it a good rinse, then fill it back up.

I thought about hooking my filter up to hers...But the intake tube is too long to work. :D It just barely has enough room to fit in my tank ( 2-3 inches from the bottom ). I figure I'll just clone some of her bacteria onto a biobag, then place it into my filter. The bacteria should hop over onto the biowheels, no?

I would hate to waste all that water by dumping the whole tank...Plus, getting all the sand out, just to try to lower the ph would be a mega pain. I had scrubbed the tank out when I got it, and I also washed the sand. I'm going to try a 20 gal change, see if that changes anything. Also going to get a new ph test kit before I do anything too drastic.

bit of an update...I just did a few tests( api master test kit)...the results were:

1.)Bucket + sand: Ph=7.4-7.8 on highrange ph scale 7.6+ on normal
2.)Bucket I've been soaking driftwood in: Ph=7.6+ off charts, didn't bother with highrange
3.)Tank with very wood-stained water: Ph= 7.6+ off charts, didn't bother with highrange
You will get bacteria into the tank and that's all you need. Eventually they will establish themselves on the biowheel.

So, would the procedure work out?

  1. Swap biobags into my filter
  2. Give it a night to switch over to biowheels
  3. Put a bit of food into the tank to create ammonina so the bacteria do not die overnight
  4. Buy fish next day
  5. All is happy and good.

Granted I can test the Ph and it's not completely whack. No?
If you add just one or two small, hardier fish at a time, that should work just fine. The bacteria will transfer over to the biowheels in such a short amount of time. You will still have the bacteria in the bio bags, so you will be fine.

btw if your filter is a penguin 350, you can attach the strainer thing directly to the tube coming out from the filter itself. You don't need the long tube. Then you could hook up the filter itself to your moms tank and you won't have to wait for the bacteria to go to the bio wheels.

Bah, it's hooked up and running just fine... I don't want to move it :D

Though...I do have a betta I've been meaning to move into my 2.5 gal tank I've had set up...When I plop the biobags in...I could just put him in there until I get ready for some of my permanent stocking...Also have a small guppy ( I think ) fry that's too small to be put into my 10gal yet...I was thinking of putting her into there for a while..

Either way sound fine?

My main concern is getting the BGK into the tank ASAP...Having a giant tub of just water is kinda' boring :D.
The betta should be fine as long as the current isn't too strong. It may eat the guppy depending on the size and the guppy may get sucked into the filter.

Is there a reason to add the bgk first? They are pretty sensitive fish so I would recommend putting him in last.


PS What exactly are bio bags? Are they filter pads with something in them?
Out of curiosity...Would a bichir be a more suitable first fish to add to the tank, or should I still go with the weather loaches as the first stocking.
Well...With any luck I will be ordering some biospira Monday.

Also, as a side note...I placed my guppy fry into the tank. She seems to be doing just fine...So, I'm hoping that's a good sign. ( No immediate least :D )

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