Started An Oddball Tank.

Nice! Some of that stuff is pretty old looking! That guy must have been in the hobby a long time ago!

Any idea on what kind of decor you want? Are you going to have live or fake plants?


He has been in it a LONG time... I found a 'Digest for the successful aquarium' circa 1975 in with all the stuff... :D They guy has bee keeping fish all his life, so yeah..haha :D

It's going to have sand substrate( have 100lbs), real plants ( even though he did give us some plastic ones ), and driftwood. Still deciding if I want to use the big lava rocks that come with all the stuff.
No offense, but I thank that a planted tank with driftwood and lava rock would look kind of strange. Any idea on what you're going to do with the lighting or co2 injection (if you chose to inject)?

No offense, but I thank that a planted tank with driftwood and lava rock would look kind of strange. Any idea on what you're going to do with the lighting or co2 injection (if you chose to inject)?


Yes, it, I'm thinking I'll just let mom use them when she upgrades her tank.

There are two light housings, only have a bulb for one though. I don't think I'll use co2 injections... I may though...Just depends on how densely planted it is and what sorts of plants I put in there.

I'm gonna find some slate and what-not to make some ledges and caves within the week.

Also have 3 über old air-pumps...May just sell those in turn for a newer model. :D
Do you know the wattage of each bulb? If the are the 48" bulbs, they usually only put out 40 watts. Your total wattage would be around 80 watts. There isn't much you can grow in 1 wpg. Granted you have a larger tank so the wpg rule is more lenient, but still, you will be hard pressed to get a nice planted tank with only 80 watts. I would recommend picking up a cheap T5 unit or a couple of those double strip lights.

Wow, that must kind of suck. Looks like you will just have to get them online or your not so lfs.

I'm not really sure what sort of lighting units ( if at all ) my Not so LFS carry...Even less sure about what my Really Not so LFS carries....

The downside of living in the middle of nowhere :D

But that hardly outweighs the good ;)
Yep, it sure is nice living in the middle of nowhere. My cousin lives out in Oregon in the middle of nowhere. She lives on 10 acres and can do pretty much anything and everything in her yard. She has alpacas, pigs, lambs, fish, dogs, quail, chukar, and god knows what else. She trap shoots in her yard. I wish I could do that. Oh well, at least we get stores like HD and lowes and fish stores! ;)

We have a few hundred acres on the farm here.

Gotta figure out how to put that stupid filter I got together... :angry:

found these two on ebay...which would be better? the t6 one seems like a better deal....


ebay item # :

380000670774 - t6

120226914308 - t5

which should I buy?
We have a few hundred acres on the farm here.

Gotta figure out how to put that stupid filter I got together... :angry:

found these two on ebay...which would be better? the t6 one seems like a better deal....


ebay item # :

380000670774 - t6

120226914308 - t5

which should I buy?

Lucky! You get 300 acres! Wow, I really wish I was you now! I wouldn't have had my concussion either. :p

The t6 will be less effective, but will work. This thread should help you out a bit. I would personally just get the t5, it is cheaper to run and will probably work better. If you want a planted tank, lighting is the most important thing, so why would you skimp on that?

What filter needs help putting together? Did you ever get another filter besides the one that came with the tank?

I haven't gotten any other filters aside from the ones that came with it. I'm just not bright enough to set up the canister filter ( magnum 350 ) :D...Need to read the directions though, that may help, haha.

I may go out and buy a biowheel filter instead of running the two other hob ones...depends on how well they run/ how quiet they are.
You should have seen me with my first Eheim. Don't know what was so complicated, but it took me forever to set up and even longer to prime.

I have a Pengiun 350 and 280 and an Emperor 400. Both are pretty silent, but if you don't clean the penguin, it can get a little noisy. The Emperor seems to run a little quieter when neglected.

The Aquaclear hob is a great filter too. It runs pretty quietly. If filled with the bio media, it is a very good bio filter. An AC 70 or 110 and that canister you have would probably be a good way to go.

I'll see if my Not so LFS has any of the penguins... I remember seeing one hooked onto their marine tank...whether or not they have them for sale is another question.

Still need to figure out how to put that damned canister filter together... I can't find the connector piece to the water diffuser for the tank return...not really needed, but I'd like to know where it is...

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