Started An Oddball Tank.

I'm not a HUGE fan of plecs, but after multiple visits and several price drops, this particular guy has caught my eye. I don't mind them eating the wood either, it's not like they're going to eat the whole piece within a few months :D. We'll see how things play out, so I may or not may get him.

Aside from not being any more available than the loaches , I don't like rope-fish all that much. I'm sure I can find some of the loaches online some-where.

So, out of curiosity, what would be your preferred stocking list? Generally going of what I've listed, that is. Also reasons to what you would add/take from the list would be good :D.

Thanks for all the help mate.
No problem. I am glad I could help.

My preferred stocking list would be something along the lines of this:

1 A. albifrons

2 or 3 M. aral or 3 M. circumcinctus

1 or 2 P. bucholzi

1 Polypterus palmas

3 Megalechis thorcata or Hoplosternum littorale

I would get rid of the pleco and loach because I don't really like them all too much. I would add the spiny eels because I like the look of these species better. I would get rid of the pims because I like M. thorcata and M. littorale better. I just suggested the pims because they are pretty cool looking and incredibly common. I have yet to find a M. thorcata or M. littorale in a lfs though. I haven't really been looking though. I would get a palmas bichir because I really like their coloration and they stay reasonably small, finding one would be another matter though. Been looking for a couple of years at my local fish stores, none have showed up that I saw.

Just a question, how much is the Panaque? If the price was really good, I just might end up grabbing it! :p

Just my $.02.

PetSmarts usually carry polypterus senegalus, or what they commonly called Dinosaur Birchirs. Pretty cool fish. They are usually pretty inexpensive too. Usually they are less than $10.

Also, for the African Butterfly, keep in mind you need a tight fitting lid as they are jumpers. Also, unless you are providing them with some space at the top of the tank and a reason to jump (crickets for example), then they can be the most boring fish you've ever owned. Don't let their appearance fool you, they are very, very boring fish. If you're looking for a top dweller, consider getting something else. This may be easier said than done as most top dwellers are either too small to be safely kept with your other fish (half beaks), too large to keep in your tank (gar) or they are brackish (4 eyed fish).

At any rate, good luck. Sounds like a fun project.
I would get rid of the pims because I like M. thorcata and M. littorale better.
I have yet to find a M. thorcata or M. littorale in a lfs though.
Just a question, how much is the Panaque? If the price was really good, I just might end up grabbing it! :p

I have never seen hoplos in any stores around here either...Loaches either...They did have a 'pepper loaches' though, but they didn't look all that appealing.

The Panaque is $20, reduced from $50....Pretty good steal if you ask me. I went to the store today, and I forgot to grab my camera to get pictures of the eels they have there. Maybe next time though... I have 21 coupons for that store, haha.

then they can be the most boring fish you've ever owned. Don't let their appearance fool you, they are very, very boring fish

Doesn't bother me in the least, I like the way the fish looks. I don't care if they just kinda...float there. To each his own I guess. :D

I've found some Bichir and loaches online!

Palmas Bichir $ 69.99
Ornate Bichir $ 39.99 ~ too big for my tank, right?
Delhezi Bichir $ 60.00
Senegal Bichir $ 14.99
Albino S. Bichir $ 24.99
Gold Dojo Loach $ 7.99

Sound good? I prefer the look of the Delhezi and Senegal over the Palmas...I really like the colouration of the Delhezi... But I really like the fine structure and price of the Senegal, haha :D
WHERE DID YOU FIND THE PALMAS!!! Are they in stock? As I said, I have been looking for those for a couple of years, but have yet to find one in my lfs. When he does get them in, he said he usually sells them at $90-$120 depending on the size.

The senegal seems a bit overpriced. My petsmart sells 3 inchers for around $8, and my real lfs sells 5 inchers for 10. The senegal is more active during the day than any other bichir, so if you want your fish to be more active, you would probably like the senegal more. Yes, the ornate imo is too big for your tank. I have seen them kept in tanks your size, but I think such a majestic fish needs a bigger tank.

That's a pretty good price for the Panaque, I would certainly be tempted by it.

PM sent bro.

Only certain stocking I know for sure now is:

1x Apteronotus Albifrons
1-2x Pantodon buchholzi
1x Panaque nigrolineatus

Granted that they don't sell any of them before I get my tank set up :D

The rest are all subject to availability. All I have is time now to do research .... and to try and get money for all of my stocking haha.
Alright, good luck setting up and stocking! Be sure to update this thread or start a journal when you start getting set up!

I'll probably start a journal when it comes time.

Though I've been wondering...Should I get a power-head to create some flow in the tank or not? Do any of my stocking ( panaque and ABF aside) appreciate or need a current?
No need for a powerhead. My eel does sometimes enjoy swimming in the filter return current, but this is the first one I've kept that's like that.

For the african butterfly's sake you might not want to add anything that will create to much surface agitation. they hunt by feeling the vibrations on the water surface. too much agitation would be like white noise to them and make them hard to feed. i don't have any scientific evidence of this but it makes sense from what i've seen with my own.
Picking up the tank and some other things tomorrow. Going to look for some play-sand as substrate, and maybe try and find a HOB filter. May also need to scavenge around for a heater along with other misc. items. May hit up some stores by STL. to see if they have any bichirs or loaches...Not sure what I'm going to do if they actually have any.....
Nice man! Be sure to really wash that play sand well. The HOB's I mentioned earlier in the thread are good ones. So are the Emperors also by Marineland. If you see any rare bichirs, be sure to snap them up. If you don't want them just send them to me! :p But good luck with your tank!

Nice man! Be sure to really wash that play sand well. The HOB's I mentioned earlier in the thread are good ones. So are the Emperors also by Marineland. If you see any rare bichirs, be sure to snap them up. If you don't want them just send them to me! :p But good luck with your tank!


Thing is...I'd have to stick it in my mum's 30 gal until I got my tank set up though :D...I'm not sure hank ( her slender Madtom ), and her neons would appreciate him being in there for very long :D.

I'll be looking for a HOB Bio-wheel filter if I can find one for relatively cheap. I'll post some pics tomorrow...I've still yet to clean out the spot in my room where I want it to go.. heh.







Leak check tomorrow.....

Nice! Some of that stuff is pretty old looking! That guy must have been in the hobby a long time ago!

Any idea on what kind of decor you want? Are you going to have live or fake plants?


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