Started An Oddball Tank.

Speaking of guppy....

Would guppies be a suitable live food for my stocking? ( I would get a little 10/20 gal tank and breed them myself )

I'm also very glad one of my friends runs a worm I can get as many as I want for free :D.
Sorry for taking a while to respond. Yes, bichirs would probably be better first fish to add to your tank. And guppys will be a suitable live food. Gut load them if you can though.

I went out and bought some eels today, can anyone tell me what particular species they are?

Especially the little black guy...Only reason I got him was because of him missing an eye...Poor fella








Bit of an update...

I got all three eels to eat some frozen bloodworms last night!...I figured I would feed them by hand, so to be sure that they would eat....I hardly had time to get my arm out of the water as they went crazy attacking the worms. They ate every last scrap of the worms.

I figure...What I'll do is keep feeding them around 9-10, with the lights off ( they got extremely active when the lights went out, even with tons of ambient light ) for a week or so. Then slowly start moving feeding time back, and leaving the lights on... until they're eating with the lights on, whenever I decide to feed them. :D

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