Native American
Fish Fanatic
Ooh, surprised no one's mentioned this one. I love corvette's. It's car's like this & others like it that define the word sports car & not just a vamped up family saloon/hatchback, hurrahh for flip up lights. I've liked these cars ever since I see a film as a kid where mark hamill (luke skywalker) is working in a school bodyshop & rebuilds one & it gets nicked & he travels the US trying to find it. Can't for the life of me remember what the film's called though.
Found it, it was called 'Corvette Summer'.
Isn't the internet wonderful!!! It even has it's own fansite
Imp, you have a really good memory! I remember that movie, and as young as I was, I thought the more stuff you put on a car, the better. If it ended up looking like a space cruiser, that was just great!
We thoroughly enjoyed that 1969 Stingray roadster while we had it, but nailing the throttle was kind of like flushing a toilet bowl full of gasoline into the engine. Fuel economy was not its high point. Still, getting there was all the fun...touching 60mph in first gear and hearing that wonderful inductin howl as the vaccuum secondaries on the Rochester Quadrajet carburetor opened up, spinning the tires when tromping into second gear and having to let off a bit to let the tires hook up again, then almost 100mph before grabbing third gear...and watching the gas gauge take a nosedive to the EMPTY mark!
Needless to say, we drove in more conservative fashion 99.9% of the time. Truly a fun time when we were without kids. I think I'm in the minority when I say I like the "Mako Shark"-bodied Corvettes with the thin chrome bumperettes (1968-1972) as opposed to the earlier Sting Ray (spelled as two words, I believe, from 1963-1967). I felt that the lines were a lot cleaner, and the "shark gills" on the 1968 and 1969 cars were a fine design touch, IMHO.
Still, as you said, those were golden years for big-engined sports cars around the world. Pop-up headlamps rock.
One of these days I'll get another one, maybe one with a spent motor so that I have an excuse to drop in a more modern FI engine so that it can be a daily driver and not bankrupt me at every fuel stop.
Just have to get one son and three daughters through university first....
v/r, N-A