Maybe a bit creepy!

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The following is directed to the staff of this site. It is obvious that this thread has gone very much beyond the intent of this site. Yet this site is to help people. The current aspect of this thread has the potential to help. Many sites would lock this thread but please do not consider doing so. This site is about the care of fish but it is people that care for the fish. How can we care for fish without caring about others that care for fish? I'm not saying that I believe that any staff member would do so but I always believe that it is better to put out a view before action is done than after. Even though dealing with people rather than fish I think that this thread has become VERY important. This is from one that, many years ago, worked as a volunteer at a youth mental health facility.
Somehow I missed this post before, amidst all the discussion of acne and back pain and varying pigmentation, but thought it was worth responding. Threads like this are the reason we have a "general chat" forum. :) It's good to have a chance to get to know each other as something beyond fish-keepers. When in doubt, have a look at the forum rules. Basically, as long as things stay civil, relatively non-creepy (a recurring theme on this thread; I appreciate everyone's efforts, and find such efforts highly amusing! :lol: ), it's all great. Just try not to make the mods look bad or create extra work for us.

OK, carry on.
it's all great. Just try not to make the mods look bad or create extra work for us.
Will do

Now... Where were we, ah yes, dont we all agree that the moderators suck? Walking around like they own everything...
REVOLT, REVOLT, REVOLT! (This is all strictly joking due to the last comment. Do not actually mean anything when saying hurtful comments and don't cause forum mutiny...)
@WhistlingBadger Maybe might be hippy type characters in Lander because of the rock climbers and kids going to NOLS and @jaylach Sheridan has a college so you might see a few of that type there but the Wyoming that I'm familiar with is nothing but rednecks , roughnecks and real cowboys . Not that that's a bad thing.
Well, compared to Oregon, yeah. ha ha Montana is the same way, until you hit Bozeman.
Well, compared to Oregon, yeah. ha ha Montana is the same way, until you hit Bozeman.
Ya know... Back in the late 60s and 70s I was often called a hippy and never really liked. I always considered hippy to be short for hypocrite as in one that puts down the government while being happy to live off of that same government. Of course that was not true of all but was for many.
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Fyi to anyone who may want to know this is in fact stolen art
Now I dont know if I would have exactly called her out on it just yet... I feel as though we should have given HER the chance to say something...

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