Maybe a bit creepy!

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Too late :rofl:

Thank you... And I knew you weren't lol.
It is kinda weird for someone of the opposite gender to compliment someone about their looks... Especially on the internet. Because it can look like the person was flirting or hitting on them... When truthfully it was a simple compliment and nothing else.
Like I could easily say to a guy: "Looking sharp" but if I said to a girl: "You're very pretty"... Thats kinda weird then 😂. I mean, if I truthfully was in a relationship and loved her I would say it with no issues but you dont just walk up to any person of opposite gender and go: "You're beautiful" 😅
Which is sad because compliments can be so confidence boosting but sadly creepy people ruined it for everyone
Too late :rofl:

Thank you... And I knew you weren't lol.
It is kinda weird for someone of the opposite gender to compliment someone about their looks... Especially on the internet. Because it can look like the person was flirting or hitting on them... When truthfully it was a simple compliment and nothing else.
Like I could easily say to a guy: "Looking sharp" but if I said to a girl: "You're very pretty"... Thats kinda weird then 😂. I mean, if I truthfully was in a relationship and loved her I would say it with no issues but you dont just walk up to any person of opposite gender and go: "You're beautiful" 😅

Yep, awkward, and @JuiceBox52 is right, creepy people have ruined compliments for the rest of us!

I'm not a mother, but I'm certainly old enough to be your mother! (gah! that makes me feel ancient). It's more of a motherly thing. You're both becoming good looking young men, of course I can see that, and I'm sure you'll be popular with women - but girls of your own age, please, young man... I was born in a different millennium even!

But people my age remember what it was like to be a teen. It's an awkward, rough time. Lots of people are self-conscious and insecure about their looks, and the acne really isn't a big deal. Doesn't hide your face or make you hideous or anything! Just a skin thing, and super common at your age, and nearly always fades away as your hormones settle etc. If you're ever feeling self-conscious about it, just remember that everyone has some insecurity or hang-up about their appearance, and they're usually busy worrying about their own rather than judging yours.

More importantly, you're also both bright and caring young men. A few spots don't hide who you are. :)
I'm not a mother, but I'm certainly old enough to be your mother! (gah! that makes me feel ancient).
My half sister, half brother, and sister and law are all old enough to be my parents 😂.

More importantly, you're also both bright and caring young men. A few spots don't hide who you are. :)
Thank you for the compliment ma'am :)
Its just the face I see everyday when I look on the mirror and I would like that to be an acne free one lol.
hmmmmm interesting thread let’s see how well I can describe myself

Im definitely on the younger side of the forums ages I have brown hair with a natural white streak from leucism with the underside of my curls dyed green ish. I have brown eyes and a patches of my face is lighter also from leucism. I’ll post a drawing of myself later. (Slightly self-conscious lol plus not the best at taking pictures)
hmmmmm interesting thread let’s see how well I can describe myself

Im definitely on the younger side of the forums ages I have brown hair with a natural white streak from leucism with the underside of my curls dyed green ish. I have brown eyes and a patches of my face is lighter also from leucism. I’ll post a drawing of myself later. (Slightly self-conscious lol plus not the best at taking pictures)
Had to look up leucism. If the drawing is representative don't be self conscious as you are a very pretty young lady. Don't let it worry you that you have differences in pigmentation. If that is all someone sees they are not worth having around anyway. At 67 I'm no hunk and don't care. It is the soul of a person, not the appearance, that matters.
I keep going to take a picture and I dang wink in all of them UGH hecking Tourettes but finally took a good one (lightning is weird but eh it’s the best I got lol) my hair looks weird because it’s still like half wet from swimming but hey whatever View attachment 160739
You are very pretty! (I'm saying that as a compliment, not being weird or anything lol). I see what you mean about the different pigmentations but thats what makes you, you.
It absoulutely doesnt take away from who you are or your beauty.
You are very pretty! (I'm saying that as a compliment, not being weird or anything lol). I see what you mean about the different pigmentations but thats what makes you, you.
I will say this
Makeup is a nightmare to match with XD
but I do enjoy my lil quirks but I have been judged negatively because of that and my Tourette’s syndrome so it’s nice to be complimented 👍🏻
I will say this
Makeup is a nightmare to match with XD
but I do enjoy my lil quirks but I have been judged negatively because of that and my Tourette’s syndrome so it’s nice to be complimented 👍🏻
I can only imagine the time and effort that goes into matching makeup and stuff.
I know what its like being teased and bullied over stupid things. Sadly its common now and people so it whenever and wherever... How bad is your tourette's? I have seen multiple people who have it but with different "levels" of it.
Are there treatments or is it something people just live with sadly?

And anyone who teases you cause of uncontrollable actions or the way you look is obviously insane. Because you look nice so there is nothing they can say against your looks and I dont know how your tourette's affects you but people shouldnt make fun of actions you do that you seriously cant control.

Itried to word things in the best of my abilities... I'm bad at talking about things like this out of fear I will accidentally say something the wrong way 😕
Oh Lordy, here goes an old fart giving advice to the young which is something that I can't seem to stop doing.

You ARE a VERY pretty young lady! The lighter pigmentation in your face balances the streak in your hair giving symmetry which many spend much money trying to achieve. You have the advantage of it being natural. If you ever decided going Goth you would be a star.

I'm sure that you have been judged negatively but that comes from idiots that have no confidence in themselves so they have to put down someone else to feel important. The only use such people have is for practice in ignoring the fools.

Look, I basically live under two principles...
1) I will accept adult responsibilities and will react in an adult manner but I flatly refuse to grow up. One has to keep a bit of the child within to be able to appreciate the awe of a new experience.

2) This is the one that MAY apply to you. If someone says something about me it makes me no more or less by being said if it is true. If it is not true it just means nothing. The thing is that you have to be happy with yourself and not worry about what others say or think. Unless you are happy with yourself you can never be happy with another. It is what you feel about yourself that is of most importance.
I can only imagine the time and effort that goes into matching makeup and stuff.
I know what its like being teased and bullied over stupid things. Sadly its common now and people so it whenever and wherever... How bad is your tourette's? I have seen multiple people who have it but with different "levels" of it.
Are there treatments or is it something people just live with sadly?

And anyone who teases you cause of uncontrollable actions or the way you look is obviously insane. Because you look nice so there is nothing they can say against your looks and I dont know how your tourette's affects you but people shouldnt make fun of actions you do that you seriously cant control.

Itried to word things in the best of my abilities... I'm bad at talking about things like this out of fear I will accidentally say something the wrong way 😕
Treatments that I know of can include medication, relaxation techniques and psychotherapy but apparently they don’t work on me in most cases. While most people with Tourette syndrome are able to exert temporary control over their tics and vocalisations, others may require a combination of medications. Sometimes, Tourette syndrome can spontaneously resolve, for unknown reasons. There is no cure. I don’t have it as bad as some people and I don’t have vocal tics but I “wink” make faces and my fingers spaz or twitch for a few minutes. Tourette syndrome can be mild, moderate or severe. The intensity of symptoms can change within the person, sometimes on a daily basis. Stress or tension tends to make the condition worse, while relaxation or concentration eases the symptoms. Sometimes, the symptoms come and go over a period of months. Some days I can’t control it at all and others it’s a few uncomfortable winks or finger twitching and that’s all. But ya make up is a P A I N I tell ya lol and “saying the wrong thing” I feel ya XD some people are just waiting to report or get angry at someone 🙄

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