Luc's First Planted Tank

This is a pic after minor rescapping.


Some watersprite have been replaced by other plants. Added lighting to increase the WPG. Now can see more pearling. Even Glosso and hair grass are pearling. :)

Next thing to add might be a DIY CO2 kit. ;)
Hi guys, I just need some suggestions on re-stocking this tank with some new fishes.

I will keep the amano & cherry shrimps, ottos, flying fox. I am thinking of keeping some of the guppy fry (about an inch long) and few molly fry (to help in cleaning the "oil" on the surface) too.

What other fishes do you think are suitable for this tank?

I have some interest in keeping some small angel fish (not familiar with this fish), but I heard it will grows big quite big, any smaller species?

Suggestions are always welcome. ;)
An update :

- One oto died.
- Have added in some fishes, 3 red colour unknown fishes in attached pic, 2 rice fish (not sure also, transparent colour with crystal blue eyes), 2 neon.
- The white female Molly has given birth, but so far can only spot 5 fry with combination of colours.

Looking fantastic.
You must be really proud of what you've achieved.
The red fish in the picture are male cherry barbs. Give each one a female. They like being in pairs. The females look exactly the same but instead of red they are yellow and brown.
Looking fantastic.
You must be really proud of what you've achieved.
The red fish in the picture are male cherry barbs. Give each one a female. They like being in pairs. The females look exactly the same but instead of red they are yellow and brown.

Heee... thank you for your support, you have given me a huge support, appreciated.

Thank you for telling me the name of the fish, safe me some time in searching for it. :)
This is my first time rearing this fish, I have no experience in it. :)
But I quite like it... :)

I will get some females for each of the guy. or else they will become 'gay'. Haa... :p
I have added 3 female cherry barbs, 1 blue eye fish (unknown), 2 albino cory.

Will post updated pics soon. :)
These are some updated pictures, hopw you guys like it.

Full tank shot



The blue-eye fish, if you know the name please let me know too. :)


As you can see the leaves of tiger lotus are having holes and some are rotten. Does anyone know what's the cause?

I am not too good in fertilising the plants, that's why now the tiger lotus is having holes on the leaves and some are rotten; while my Bacopa Australis is having holes on the leaves too and leaves are turning yellowish and the shoot is turning whitish and died off.

Is this due to lack of fertiliser?
The pic below is showing the two types of fertiliser I am using.


The one in box is Azoo brand fertiliser, in ball form. I have just stucked one under the root of tiger lotus and also the Bacopa Australis.

The bottled fertiliser is in liquid form and I dose 3 drops every 2-3 days.

Any advises?
That is a lovely aquascape Lucius, well done indeed!

Try adding your liquid ferts every day. Then change half the water every week to ensure the nutrients don't build excessively. Does the bottle have a list of nutrients that it provides i.e. iron, potassium etc?

Also try adding more root balls around your lily.

I also recommend running 8 to 10 hours straight photoperiod, rather than a 2 hour break in between. If your CO2 is good then the break has little effect on algae.
That is a lovely aquascape Lucius, well done indeed!

Try adding your liquid ferts every day. Then change half the water every week to ensure the nutrients don't build excessively. Does the bottle have a list of nutrients that it provides i.e. iron, potassium etc?

Also try adding more root balls around your lily.

I also recommend running 8 to 10 hours straight photoperiod, rather than a 2 hour break in between. If your CO2 is good then the break has little effect on algae.

Haaa, I am so happy, finally I've caught your attention in giving me some advice. ;)
Thank you for the very useful suggestions.

The bottle didn't list the nutrients contain in it. It is recommended by my LFS, I bought it when I still know nothing about fertilising and now just wondering what is in it... haa... :)

Ok, I will add more root balls.

My CO2 is not considered 'good' as it is just a Nutrafin CO2 kit, will add in another DIY CO2 kit soon.

The photoperiod I purposely made it that way is due to I am working in strange hours, so I wish to have light on when I am home so that I can enjoy watching the tank. :)

I can spend hours in front of my tank.... :blush:

Anyway, thank you for the suggestions and it is appreciated.
Looks lovely :) perhaps the riccia on top of the wood needs a trim? Might be getting a bit to big and detracting from the other plants?

I am planing to rescape the right part of the tank. Thinking of remove the large-leaf plants on the right and at the back. May be could plant some vallis at the right back corner, will look for the smallest type. The large-leaf plants is getting bigger, it blocks light from reaching the bottom.

So, any idea on what plants to plant as substitution?

Open to any suggestions...
I have trimmed some of the plants and rescape the right part of the tank yesterday, took out the java fern from the wood and tied it on 5 stones. Added in more fertilizer balls.

I will go to buy more plants later. Thought of buying vallis... ;)

Will post update pic once I have added in the new plants today.
I need a quick help from all the experts...

I am going to rescape my tank tonight (a major rescaping though), wish to get some ideas from you guys...

I have just bought some moss and a big green lotus plant, thinking of tying the moss on the wood I have.

With all the existing stuff I have, what can you think of in rescaping the tank?

Open to all suggestions and the rescaping will be started in 3 hours time.

Thank you in advance...

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