Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛɪɴɢ Mᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ?
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3x Tank of the Month 🏆
Global Moderator ⚒️
Fish of the Month 🌟

The plants and fish are doing really well. Have been trimming and replanting a lot. Added P.Quadrifolius and P.Palustris (mermaid weed) a week or two back. I did add 3 of my largest fry a week back as well, some chasing from the adults did happen but quickly stopped after feeding. I removed the breeding box today and released 4 fry into the tank taking the total up to 12 now. The shrimp numbers have increased a bit as well. It seems to be a decent amount of wild-looking shrimp hatching now, which is great. The dense growth in the back of the tank has caused some plants to become leggy, so I probably will have to look into replacing the spotlight with a proper aquarium light soon. I may go with the Chirios B series again since it's done really well on my 90L. I recently have been feeding my shrimp with some shrimp sticks which they enjoy (bee pollen flavour). The ricefish also enjoy the sticks. They have even uprooted the stick in the past because of their mini tantrums on who eats first

I did a large removal of ramshorns the other day after finding this pile suffocating an algae wafer. Around 25 snails were removed in total with about 6 smaller snails remaining in the tank

This is the current state of the fry tank. 3 of the smallest fry from the breeding box in my 60L were moved back into this tank today, so numbers are probably above the 20 mark now. A wide variety of sizes in this tank but there is enough cover to avoid predation hopefully. The cloudy water is from my infosuria cultures. I used to feed one or two cups a day, now I just pour in half of the culture (500ml) wherever feasible along with crushed pellet food. Still thinking of what to do with them..