It's been really great watching this tank grow and its unexpected surprises every other week. Recently I've trimmed the Rotala and replanted the trimmings along with the L.hippuridoides in an attempt to create a more bushy look when they grow in. I've been contemplating switching out the lighting on this tank. My LFS has just got in some Twinstar Light A-Line II's which look great and fit my budget. The only downside is that my current lighting runs very cheaply with it being a 10W 6500K LED flood light compared to the Twinstar lights.
In the end, I did add some new plants which I've had to quarantine due to them being treated with buprafenzin. I had them in a bucket with a bag of carbon and a single pest snail as a way to determine if it was safe to add to the tank. After 3 days the snail was still alive so I added them in today.
Rotala Macrandra & Cabomba Piauhyensis. The Cabomba is quite damaged so I've not planted them in the substrate just yet. I've weighted them down with some sponge and lead weights on top of the sponge filter so they are closer to the light.
Here are some pictures I took today
I found this one in the process of molting this morning. I was fearing the worst as I thought it may have had WROD but luckily after an hour, I found it had successfully molted with the eggs still intact somewhat.
Now onto the fry tank. What a week it's been with this little 10L tank

. I might rename it to the cloning machine as it's a nonstop baby fish-making tank.
I've not done a full count of how many there are but the most I've counted is 14 at one time. The fish are fed crushed NT labs Micro crumb which they go mad for. I did transfer the two largest fry today into the 60L. It didn't go 100% to plan as the adults kept chasing them around the tank

. So I had to set up a temporary breeder box, as I cant put them back in the fry tank as they have been chasing the smallest fry around too.. Just over 1cm in size which I thought would have been big enough to introduce them to the adults without issues.
This is their temporary home for a day or two. Depending if I can get a bigger breeder box as the width of this one is only 8-9cm.
Some more pictures from the fry tank. Stentors and a developing egg.