Luc's First Planted Tank

The tank is looking very nice. It's the fry tank that has algae, and you don't care, right? Your other tank doesn't? A bit confused.

Sorry about your amano shrimp. I've never really kept them, but they seem to be more trouble than they're worth. :lol: I hear more about them dying here than about them being useful.

llj :)

Thank you llj.
Yes, the nano tank is having green water problem, the bigger tank not. I have turned the nano tank into shrimp breeding tank, hope they could click, :)

Mmmm... to me I think amano shrimps are very helpful. I bought 4 and now left 3. They really help me to clear 90% of the hair algae in my community tank. :)
I have shifted the 2 red cherry shrimps to the nano tank, now there are 4 of them in the nano tank. Hoping to breed them...

I am thinking of replacing the Watersprite at the back of the tank with other type of plants. It grows too rapidly. Any suggestions? The back of the tank do not have much lighting compared to the middle of the tank.
A quick update:

1) I have added in 2 more Ottos.

2) Added an anubias nana & an unknown plant.

3) All plants are growing well, especially watersprite.

Will upload new pics soon. :)

Merry Christmas guys...

Hi guys, these are some update pics after 10 days...

Full tank shot.

Lotus is growing well... love it.

Riccia is getting even bigger now...

Hair Grass & rock.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all the aquarists​
I have added in a Tiger Lotus yesterday. I Have been looking for it for quite some time... Just love the redish colour... :)

I planted it in front of the drift wood and I think it looks nice... :)

Will share a pic with you guys soon...

I am still looking for plants to replace the watersprite at the back of the tank. Any suggestions?
I have added in a Tiger Lotus yesterday. I Have been looking for it for quite some time... Just love the redish colour... :)

I planted it in front of the drift wood and I think it looks nice... :)

Will share a pic with you guys soon...

I am still looking for plants to replace the watersprite at the back of the tank. Any suggestions?

In order to keep a tiger lotus in front of the wood, you will have to train it. To train it, you must remove any leaf that approaches the surface. This is simply done by pruning the stem close to the base. Eventually, you'll get a more bushy lotus as it will prefer to retain at least some of its leaves. :) I have grown lotus both ways, right now, I'm encouraging it to flower, so the leaves must hit the surface for the plant to send its flower stalk. A good plant for you backdrop is Rotala rotundifolia. I find it to be a very adaptable plant that does extremely well. It also prunes very well and the tops of the stems will become a blushing pink. Very attractive. There are, however, green varieties available if pink is not your thing. :) Though I do think your water sprite looks quite good.

In order to keep a tiger lotus in front of the wood, you will have to train it. To train it, you must remove any leaf that approaches the surface. This is simply done by pruning the stem close to the base. Eventually, you'll get a more bushy lotus as it will prefer to retain at least some of its leaves. :) I have grown lotus both ways, right now, I'm encouraging it to flower, so the leaves must hit the surface for the plant to send its flower stalk. A good plant for you backdrop is Rotala rotundifolia. I find it to be a very adaptable plant that does extremely well. It also prunes very well and the tops of the stems will become a blushing pink. Very attractive. There are, however, green varieties available if pink is not your thing. :) Though I do think your water sprite looks quite good.


Thank you llj, so kind of you in sharing with me such an informative info. :)
I will prune some leaves off later, I just LOVE my new tiger lotus so much... :)
I have another lotus, not sure the name, light green leaves + some red spots. It grows so rapidly, these 2 days, it starts shooting out a long stem, almost reach the surface, is that mean it wants to flower?

I have Rotala rotundifolia at the right side of the tank, still in small bush size. :) But I quite like it too...

I like watersprite, but it just grows too fast. That's why I am thinking of changing part of it to another medium growing plant. :)

By the way, thank you a lot for the reply. Happy new year to you. :)
Looking nice :) you going to put anything in front of the wood? Break up the block of colour a bit?

Yeah, I have put a tiger lotus in front of the wood and it does help in beautifying that part well (my own opinion). :)

Will post some update pics soon.

The riccia at the bottom of the tank has floated up, I have replant it, now I have 6 stones with riccia at the bottom of the tank.
I have taken a pic as promised,


Is the tiger lotus looks ok in that place?
Everything looks brilliant and healthy.
Keep the lotus there. Looks good IMO.
Thank you guys.

Some quick update:

- Pruned tiger lotus, watersprite.
- Removed some watersprite in the centre & replaced with Bacopa Caroliniana & the large-leaf plant on the right of the tank.
- Originally it was 2X14W lighting, now added in 10W light on the right & 11W on the left, plants pearl a lot.
- The lotus on the left starts sending out long leaves to the surface.

I found that I have too many types of plant at the front, shall I tidying up by grouping the same together in stead of bunches here and there?

I have another set of Nutrafin CO2 kit in my nano tank, thinking of moving it to this planted tank, will this makes the tank even better?
Yeah, you could now use a weaker solution over 2 containers and replace them on alternating days to give you a constant supply of CO2.
Thank you Fred.

I will plan for it before adding in another Nutrafin CO2 kit.
I have just shifted most of the small guppy and molly to the smaller tank, while the 4 Red Cherry Shrimps in that tank I have shifted to this tank.

I left the cherry shrimp in the smaller tank for a while but still no sign of pregnancy, may be the water parameter there is not suitable for them to breed. Thus, I just shifted them to the bigger tank and see anything will happen. :)

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